they are hereby vefted with, full powers to compel the attendance of witneffes in
all fuch cafes, by fummons and attachment, in as full and ample manner as the
county courts may compel fuch attendance.
Infpectors to
attend, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That every infpector fhall attend at the warehoufe un-
der his charge on every day from the firft day of May to the twentieth day of Sep-
tember, except on Sundays, the fourth day of July, the holidays obferved at
Whitfuntide, and days of mufters of the militia, for the receiving, infpecting and
delivering, any tobacco brought to and delivered at the warehoufe of which he is
infpector between the firft day of May and the twentieth day of September, but
he fhall not take charge of or infpect any tobacco brought to his warehoufe for
infpection between the twentieth day of September and firft day of November,
and he fhall attend on every day, Sundays and days of mufter of the militia ex-
cepted, for the delivery of tobacco, between the twentieth day of September and
the firft day of November, and he fhall attend as often as he fhall be required
from the firft day of November to the firft day of May, during the continuance
of this ad, except on Sundays and the holidays at Chriftmas and Eafter, and days
of mufters of the militia, for infpecting and delivering tobacco.
VII. And, whereas it appears that the inhabitants of Harford county have, for
feveral years paft, declined making tobacco, and that the faid county has been at
confiderable expence for an infpector and other things, to comply with the pre-
fent laws to regulate the infpection of tobacco, without any advantage to the in-
Part of former
laws repealed,
habitants of faid county, Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland,
That fo much of the faid laws, fo far as they extend to Harford county, be and
they are hereby repealed.
Juftices to dif-
pofe of the
fcales, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the juftices of faid county, or any three of
them, are hereby empowered and directed to difpofe of the fcales and weights the
property of faid county, which have been ufed in the infpection of tobacco, and
when fo difpofed of to apply the money arifing from the fales towards defraying
the public charges of faid county.
This not to
affect a former
act, &c.
IX. And be it enacted, That nothing in this ad, which regulates the attend-
ance of infpectors at their refpective warehoufes, fhall be conftrued to repeal, or
in any manner affect, the feventeenth fection of the act of feventeen hundred and
eighty-nine, to which this is a further fupplement.
Nor extend to
X. And foe it enacted, That nothing in this act fhall be conftrued to extend to
Baltimore, Montgomery, Frederick, Talbot, Worcefter, Dorchefter, Caroline,
Queen-Anne's, Kent, Somerfet, and Saint-Mary's counties.
XI. This act to continue and be in force as long as the act of feventeen hun-
dred and eighty-nine, to which it is a further fupplement.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to open a road from Federalfburgh, in the north-weft
fork of Nanticoke river, in Dorchefter county, to Cratcher's
ferry in faid county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
fundry of the inhabitants of Dorchefter county living on the faid
north-weft fork of Nanticoke, that a public road, leading from the
faid town of Federalfburgh to Cratcher's ferry, would be of great advantage to
the inhabitants aforefaid for carrying their produce to market, and for other pur-
pofes; and the prayer of the petition appearing to this general affembly to be
reafonable and juft,
ers appointed,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Thomas Nicols,
John Cropper, Charles Adams, Edward Adams and Matthew Smith, be and
they are hereby appointed commiffioners for the purpofes in this act mentioned ;