C H A P.
Judge, &c. to
appoint three
perfons, &c.
XV. And be it enacted, That in every cafe where the confent of the father
cannot be obtained by the widow of any deceafed matter to affign the refidue of
the contract of any apprentice, that it fhall and may be lawful for any judge, or
any two juftices of the peace in the county where the deceafed mafter did laft re-
fide, to appoint three perfons of the fame trade or occupation with the deceafed
mafter, any two of which fhall have power to value, upon oath, or affirmation;
the refidue of the contract, and the father may make his election, either to pay
the widow of the deceafed mafter fuch valuation, or the widow fhall have power
to make the affignment without his confent, of the refidue of the indenture,
with the approbation of the orphans court.
fhall continue
at his home,
Mafter, &c.
may apply to
the court, &c.
XVI. And, whereas it often happens, that immediately after the deceafe of
the mafter of any apprentice, the apprentice leaves his home and employment
without any licence or authority, not only to his own injury, but alfo to the de-
triment of fociety, Be it enacted, That every apprentice, whofe mafter fhall die
and leave a widow, fhall continue at his home and bufinefs, as well after as be-
fore the death of his mafter, and fhall be fubject to the control and directions of
the widow, until order be taken therein by the county or criminal court, or juf-
tice aforefaid; and the faid county or criminal court, or juftice, as aforefaid,
fhall have power and authority to continue any apprentice, fo long as they or he
fhall be fatisfied that the widow hath it in her power to, and doth, fulfil the
contract made with her hufband; and the harbourer or harbourers of any ap-
prentice or apprentices, before they are difcharged as aforefaid, fhall be con-
fidered, and fhall fuffer the fame penalties, as the harbourer or harbourers of fer-
vants are liable to under the laws of this ftate.
XVII. And be it enacted, That either the mafter or apprentice, upon a peti-
tion being filed, may apply to the court for the benefit of a trial by jury, and
that the court fhall thereupon charge, as the law directs, the attending jury, to
determine each and all of the allegations contained in the faid petition, which
may be controverted, any law or ufage to the contrary notwithftanding.
An act repeal-
XVIII. And be it further enacted, That an act of affembly, paffed at No-
vember feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-fix, entitled, An act refpecting ap-
prentices, fhall be and is hereby repealed.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to alter the time of holding the levy courts in the
feveral counties therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the holding
of the levy courts in the counties of Saint-Mary's, Talbot, Kent,
Somerfet, Dorchefter, Caecil, Queen-Anne's, Worcefter, Caroline,
Harford and Prince-George's, at the time now directed by law, is found to be
extremely inconvenient to the feveral collectors in the counties aforefaid ;
Juftices, when
to meet, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the feveral
and refpective juftices of the peace, who now compofe, or fhall hereafter com-
pofe, the levy courts in the feveral counties of Saint-Mary's, Talbot, Kent,
Somerfet, Dorchefter, Caecil, Queen-Anne's, Worcefter, Caroline, Harford and
Prince-George's, inftead of meeting as heretofore required by law, are hereby
authorifed and required, for ever hereafter, to meet at the ufual places for holding
the county courts in the feveral counties aforefaid as follows, viz. In Saint-
Mary's, Queen-Anne's, Kent, Somerfet, Worcefter, and Prince-George's coun-
ties, on the firft Monday in April in every year hereafter, in Talbot, Dorchefter,
and Caroline counties, on the third Monday in February in every year, in Caecil
and Harford counties on the fecond Monday in April in every year, any law to
the contrary hereof in anywife notwithftanding.