THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
X. And be it enacted, That if any apprentice fhall be convicted of any of-
fence, in confequence of which judgment fhall be entered againft him for any
fine or penalty, and cofts, the court by which fuch judgment fhall be rendered,
fhall adjudge, and enter on their records, the time for which fuch apprentice fhall
ferve his or her mafter or miftrefs, after the expiration of his or her apprentice-
fhip, in cafe the faid mafter or miftrefs will pay the faid fine or penalty, and
cofts, and if the faid mafter or miftrefs pay the faid fine or penalty, and cofts,
the faid apprentice fhall be obliged to ferve during the time adjudged by the faid
C H A P.
may be ad-
judged to
ferve, &c.
XI. And be it enacted, That no mafter or miftrefs of an apprentice, bound
out within this ftate, fhall fend or carry his or her faid apprentice out of the faid
ftate; and any juftice of the peace, on being credibly informed, or having from
his own obfervation good reafon to fufpect, that any mafter or miftrefs defigns to
carry or remove his or her apprentice out of this ftate, except mariners, fhall re-
quire, demand, and take recognizance of fuch mafter or miftrefs, with reafona-
ble and proper fecurity, to be forfeited in cafe he or fhe fhall directly or indirect-
ly remove or carry fuch apprentice out of this ftate; and on fuch mafter or mif-
trefs's refufal to enter into recognizance, with fecurity as aforefaid, fuch juftice
fhall difcharge fuch apprentice from his or her mafter, and provide another maf-
ter, as heretofore directed by this act.
Not to be car-
ried out of the
ftate, &c.
XII. And be it enacted, That all that part of an act of affembly, entitled,
An act for the eftablifhment of orphans courts, that directs the fummoning of
an orphan jury, be and is hereby repealed; and that the juftices of the refpective
county courts fhall give in charge to their grand juries, at every county court, to
inquire into all matters and things, as are given in charge to the orphans
Part of an act
repealed, &c.
XIII. And be it enacted, That all apprentices, except thofe bound to tradef-
men or mechanics refiding in any town, fhall be compelled to perform reafonable
labour in wheat, rye and hay harvefts only, unlefs the particular contract fhall
be otherwife.
XIV. And, whereas apprentices are not, nor is it intended that they fhould
be, affignable, and on the death of the mafter, the apprentice, although he has
been maintained and confiderably advanced in the art of his trade, is either bound
out to a new mafter, who derives an immediate profit from his fkill and labour,
or is fuffered to go at large, arid it is reafonable that the widow of the deceafed
mafter, if he leave any, fhould derive fome benefit from the expence, care and
inftruction, given the faid apprentices, Be it enacted, That the widow of any
mafter of a male apprentice, bound agreeably to the directions of this act, whofe
time fhall not have expired at the death of his mafter, may, with the approba-
tion of the orphans court, if the faid apprentice was bound by the truftees of
the poor, by the court, or if the faid apprentice was bound by his father, with
the approbation of the father, affign the whole refidue of the contract, on fuch
confideration as fhe may agree for, to fome other perfon of the fame trade with
the firft mafter, and the new mafter, and the apprentice, fhall be bound to per-
form the refidue of the contract, as if the new mafter had been an original party
thereto; and the gratuity or confideration, if any, received by the widow for
fuch apprentice's time, fhall be to her own ufe, and fhall not be confidered as af-
fets of the deceafed hufband; and where female children are bound out to mar-
ried men, as the qualities of their wives make a leading motive for fuch pre-
ference, and the girls are chiefly benefited by the care of the wives, fuch ap-
prentice girls fhall ferve out the refidue of their time with the widow, on the
death of the hufband, and the widow fhall make good, and ftrictly comply with,
the terms of the contract made with her deceafed hufband; but if the widow
fhall not think proper to keep fuch apprentice girl, then the faid widow fhall
carry the faid apprentice to the orphans court of the county, and deliver her up,
when fhe fhall be again bound out as heretofore directed by this act.
may be com-
pelled to la-
bour, &c.
Widow may
affign appren-
tice, &c.