THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
the county, and take an oath, or affirmation, that they will honeftly and faith-
fully, and without favour, affection, prejudice or partiality, affefs and value the
damages fuftained by the minor heirs of faid John Unick, by occafion of the
intended road paffing through their land, and fhall thereupon proceed leaflets
and value the damages accordingly, which valuation fhall be final and conclu-
five; and fhall return the faid valuation, under their hands and feals, to the
orphans court of the county aforefaid, who fhall caufe the fame to be recorded
among their records; and the faid orphans court are hereby directed and required
to take bond, with good fecurity, from the faid John Newel, to enfure the pay-
ment of the amount of faid valuation, with intereft thereon, to the faid minor
heirs of the find John Unick, on their arrival at age.
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That as foon as the faid valuation fhall be thus made,
and the amount thereof fecured to be paid, the plot of faid road, thus laid out
by the faid Jeremiah Ford and Donaldfon Yates, in purfuance of the agreement
before recited, from the great road leading from George-town into Still Pond
Neck to the great road leading from the head of Churn creek to Worton, fhall
be entered among the records of Kent county, and the faid road fhall be from
that time deemed and confidered a public road, and fhall be kept in repair as all
other public roads in faid county are or fhall be kept in repair.
Plot to be re-
corded, &c.
An additional fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to remove
the market-houfe at the Head of Elk, and eftablifh the fame,
and for the advancement and regulation of the faid town.
WHEREAS by an ad, entitled, An act to remove the market-houfe at
the Head of Elk, and eftablifh the fame, and for the advancement
and regulation of the faid town, commiffioners were appointed to lay
out all lands and parcels of land before that time furveyed and laid out into lots,
lanes and alleys, by the commiffioners of confifcated Britifh property, and others,
agreeable to the furveys before that time made, and to do and perform fundry
matters and things as directed and appointed by faid act, within two years from
the date thereof, which faid commiffioners took upon themfelves the faid com-
miffion, and did and performed all the faid fervices according to faid appointment,
and the faid place, before that time, called the Head of Elk, was from thence
called Elkton, according to the faid act And whereas by the faid ad: it is
enacted, that the inhabitants of faid town, (now called Elkton,) entitled to a
right of fuffrage at any election for delegates or fheriffs, fhould meet on Eafter
Monday in each year, or as foon thereafter as convenient, and elect, by ballot,
feven perfons, inhabitants of faid town, or who fhould have an eftate therein
amounting to three hundred pounds on the county affeffment, (at the leaft,) who
fhould be commiffioners for faid town, and truftees for the fchool called the
Town School, for the enfuing year: And whereas the faid inhabitants did meet in
faid town on the Eafter Monday of the year one thoufand feven hundred and
eighty-nine, and did elect feven men as commiffioners and truftees, who did take
upon themfelves the bufinefs of commiffioners and truftees according to their ap-
pointment, and acted for feveral years without being elected annually, agreeably
to the provifion of the faid act: And whereas doubts have arifen refpecting the
legality of the feveral fervices, ads and deeds, of the faid commiffioners and
truftees, after the expiration of the firft year from faid appointment, and it being
the defire of the faid inhabitants that all ads and things done by the faid com-
miffioners and truftees fhould be confirmed by law,
Paffed De-
cember 28.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all the feveral
acts done by the commiffioners and truftees for the town and fchool of Elkton,
in conformity to the act to which this is an additional fupplement, as commif-
fioners or truftees to the fchool called the Town School, fhall be as good and
valid, to all intents and purpofes, as if the faid inhabitants had elected them on
Eafter Monday annually, according to faid law.
Acts done to
be good, &c.