III. And, whereas by the fecond fection of an act paffed November feffion,
feventeen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled, An act to prevent the going at
large of fwine, goats and geefe, in Elkton, in Caecil county, it is enacted, that
it fhall and may be lawful for any perfon or perfons, inhabitants of faid town,
after the firft day of April next enfuing, to feize and fecure any fwine, goats or
geefe, going at large within the limits of faid town; which faid limits are not
Limits afcer-
afcertained or defcribed by faid law; therefore, Be it enacted, That the limits of
faid town, fo far as refpects fwine, goats and geefe, fhall be deemed and con-
ftrued to be half a mile each and every way from the market-houfe of faid
Swine, &c.
may be taken
tip, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That if any fwine, goats or geefe, fhall be found
going at large in faid town, or within the limits aforefaid, or fhall break into
and be found within any enclofure, not belonging to the owner of fuch fwine,
goats or geefe, within one mile of faid market-houfe, it fhall and may be lawful
for any perfon to take up and impound faid fwine, goats or geefe; and the per-
fon impounding them fhall give notice to the owner if known, and if not known,
the perfon fo impounding fhall give notice thereof, within fix hours, to the clerk
of the market, who fhall view and examine faid fwine, goats or geefe, and ad-
vertife the fame at the market-houfe, and at the feveral public houfes in town,
defcribing their number, colour and marks, both natural and artificial, and fhall
cry, or have them cried, at the market-houfe, at market-hours; and if the
owner or owners fhall appear in twenty-four hours after fuch crying, and pay the
fum of one fhilling for each hog or goat, and four-pence for each goofe, they
fhall be releafed, but if the owner fhall not pay the fum aforefaid, it fhall be
lawful for the clerk of the market, and he is hereby directed and required, to
advertife faid fwine, goats or geefe, to be fold at public fale; and the perfon im-
pounding fhall keep them thus impounded for not lefs than fix days, and unlefs
the owner or owners fhall appear within faid fix days, and pay the fum of five
fhillings for each hog or goat, and one fhilling for each goofe, they fhall be fold
at public vendue by the clerk of faid market, at the market-houfe; and the
money arifing from faid fale, after paying every expence, fhall be paid over to
the commiffioners of faid town, for the ufe of the faid town.
How fines,
&c. are to be
V. And be it enacted, That all fines, penalties and forfeitures, impofed by or
incurred under the act to which this is an additional fupplement, fhall and may
be recovered before a juftice of the peace of the faid county, in the fame man-
ner as fmall debts are recovered, and when recovered, fhall be applied to the ufe
of the town of Elkton, at the difcretion of the commiffioners.
An act repeal-
VI. And be it enacted, That an act paffed at November feffion, feventeen:
hundred and eighty-eight, entitled, An act to prevent the going at large of
fwine, goats and geefe, in Elkton, in Caecil county, fhall be and is hereby re-
Paffed De-
cember 28.
Leffors, after
notice, may
complain to
any two juf-
tices, &c.
An ACT to provide a fummary mode of recovering the poffeffion
of lands and tenements holden by tenants for years, or at will,
after the expiration of their terms.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in all cafes where
lands, tenements or meffuages, are let or leafed for one or more years, or
at will, and the leffor or leffors, their heirs, executors, adminiftrators or
affigns, fhall be defirous to have again and repoffefs the faid lands, tenements or
meffuages, after the expiration of the term or eftate for which they were demifed,
let or leafed, and for that purpofe fhall give notice in writing to the tenant or te-
nants in poffeffion to remove from and quit the fame, if the faid tenant or tenants
in poffeffion fhall refufe to comply therewith within one month after fuch notice,
and upon the end and determination of the faid leafe or eftate, upon complaint
thereof made by the faid leffor or leffors, his, her or their heirs, executors, ad-
miniftrators or affigns, to any two juftices of the peace of the county wherein