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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 30   View pdf image
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Paffed De-
cember 29.


C H A P. XL.
A Further fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and
amend the feveral public roads in the feveral counties, and for
other purpofes therein mentioned.

WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the vefting.
the juftices of the levy court of Washington county with power and
authority to alter the direction of a public road from William's Port
to Elizabeth-town, eftablifhed by an act of affembly paffed November feffion, fe-
venteen hundred and ninety, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend the feveral
public roads in the feveral counties, and for other purpofes therein mentioned,
will tend to leffen the expences of faid county; therefore,

Juftices to al-
ter the road,

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the levy court of Washington county be and they are hereby authorifed and em-
powered, at the time of laying the county levy, to alter and amend the road lead-
ing from William's Port to Elizabeth-town, with the confent of the proprietors of
the ground through which the road fo altered or amended fhall run, in fuch man-
ner as they may think neceffary, either by the commiffioners of the faid road, or
other perfons appointed by them for that purpofe; and upon its being fo altered,
amended and repaired, to direct the fupervifor of faid road to fettle with the per-
fon or perfons fo employed out of the monies appropriated on faid road.

Road to be
opened, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That the road leading from William's Port, in Wafh-
ington county, to interfect the road from Elizabeth-town to the Green-Spring
furnace, at or near Little Conococheague, fhall be opened, ftreightened, marked
and bounded, as and for a public road of the faid county, and that the fame fhall
be done at the expence of the county, agreeably to the provifions of the, original
or fupplementary acts.

Laws repeal-

IV. And be it enacted, That all laws heretofore paffed contrary to the provi-
fions of this act, be and the fame are hereby repealed.

Paffed De-
cember 28.


An ACT to eftablifh a public road from the main road leading
from George-town into Still Pond Neck to the main road lead-
ing from the head of Churn creek to Worton, in Kent county,

WHEREAS John Newel, of Kent county, by petition to this general
affembly hath fet forth, that he is in poffeffion of a valuable grift
mill, fituated on the head of a creek in faid county, called Still Pond
creek; that the roads leading to and from faid mill, though long ufed, are pri-
vate ones; that an agreement under feal, with penalties, mutually took place be-
tween faid John Newel and the proprietors of all the lands through which the
faid roads pafs, except the heirs of a certain John Unick, who are minors, ap-
pointing Jeremiah Ford and Donaldfon Yates to have faid roads laid down on a
plot, and afcertain the amount of damages incurred by the faid proprietors of
the land, to be paid by the petitioner, which faid referrees have caufed a plot of
faid roads to be made, which is now produced to this general affembly; and the
faid John Newel hath prayed the faid road may be made a public road, which
prayer feems reafonable and proper to be granted, under fuch regulations as will
fecure a due regard to the intereft of the heirs of faid John Unick; therefore,

Juftice, on ap-
plication, to
iffue his war-
rant, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That on application

of the faid John Newel to any juftice of the peace in Kent county, fuch juftice
may and fhall iffue his warrant to the fheriff of faid county, directing him to
fummon twelve freeholders of faid county, not interefted in the premifes, or
related to either of the parties, to appear on a day by the faid fheriff to be ap-
pointed, on the lands of the faid minors, and faid fheriff fhall give ten days
previous notice of fuch day of meeting to the guardian or guardians of faid
minors; and the faid freeholders fhall refpectively repair to fome magistrate of

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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 30   View pdf image
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