THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
fame, likewife one attorney or more, with the like or limitted power under him,
to make and fubftitute for the purpofe aforefaid that the faid Henry Thompfon,
in virtue of the faid power and authority, did afterwards, on or about the ninth
day of June, in the year feventeen hundred and feventy-three, contract with the
faid Thomas Cockey Deye for the fale of the faid tract of land called Lancafter,
for the him of two hundred and eighty-fix pounds fterling, which fum was paid
by the faid Thomas Cockey Deye to the faid Henry Thompfon, as the confider-
ation or purchafe money for the faid land, and that the faid Henry Thompfon did
thereupon pafs his bond or obligation to the faid Thomas Cockey Deye, in the
penal fum of five hundred and feventy-two pounds fterling money, conditioned
for the conveying and alluring the faid tract of land to the faid Thomas Cockey
Deye in fee, with a claufe or covenant of general warranty, but that, before any
conveyance for the fame was executed, the faid Henry Thompfon left this ftate in
the year feventeen hundred and feventy-four, having, before his departure, ap-
pointed Samuel Owings his attorney to tranfact and manage all matters, bufinefs,
affairs and things, in his behalf; and further fetting forth, that the faid Samuel
Owings, being well fatisfied that the purchafe money for the faid tract of land
called Lancafter was duly paid, and that the faid Thomas Cockey Deye was in
juftice and equity entitled to a conveyance for the fame, did, on or about the
twenty-eighth of Auguft, in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-three, convey
to the faid Thomas Cockey Deye the faid tract of land in fee, in virtue of the
power and authority vefted in him by the faid Henry Thompfon; and the faid
Thomas Cockey Deye having reprefented to this general affembly, that the legal
eftate in the faid land remaining in the faid Allan Pearfon, (who was and now is
a fubject of Great-Britain,) until the confifcation law paffed, it is apprehended
that the conveyance of the faid Samuel Owings did not transfer the legal eftate in
the faid tract of land called Lancafter to the faid Thomas Cockey Deye, and
therefore praying that an act might pafs for veiling in him and his heirs all the
right and intereft of the ftate of Maryland in the faid tract of land called Lan-
cafter; all which matters and things fet forth in the petition of the faid Thomas
Cockey Deye, appearing to be true, therefore,
C H A P.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all the right,
intereft and eftate, of the ftate of Maryland, acquired by virtue of an act, paffed
at November feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty, entitled, An act to feize,
confifcate and appropriate, all Britifh property within this ftate, of, in and to,
the faid tract of land called Lancafter, and every part thereof, be, and is hereby
declared to be, vefted in the faid Thomas Cockey Deye, and his heirs, free from
all claims and demands of the faid ftate whatever.
Right vefted
in Thomas C.
An ACT for the relief of William Benfon, and for other purpofes.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
William Benfon, of Caroline county, that on the twenty-feventh
day of April, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, he entered into a con-
trad with the commiffioners appointed in and by virtue of an act paffed at No-
vember feffion, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety, entitled, An
act for the removal of the feat of juftice from Melville's warehoufe to Pig-Point,
in Caroline county, to build at Denton, in the faid county, a court-houfe of certain
and particular dimenfions, for the fum of thirteen hundred pounds; that from his
inexperience in calculating all the expences of fuch a building, he was miftaken
in his eftimate thereof, and undertook the fame at confiderably too fmall a price;
and that the enforcing a rigid compliance with the faid contract will involve him
in ruin: And whereas it feems juft and right to grant the faid petitioner reafona-
ble relief in the premifes; therefore;
Paffed De-
cember 28.
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and
may be lawful for the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, and they are
hereby authorifed and empowered, to make the faid William Benfon fuch further
allowance for the faid buildings, not exceeding the fum of five hundred pounds
current money, as they in their difcretion fhall think juft and reafonable.
A further al-
lowance to be
made, &c.