Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to extend to certain foreigners the benefit of An act
paffed November feffion, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-
two, entitled, An act: for the relief of certain foreigners who
have fettled within this ftate, further fupplementary to the act
for naturalization.
WHEREAS the general affembly of this ftate, at their laft feffion, by an
aft, entitled, An act for the relief of certain foreigners who have fettled
within this ftate, farther fupplementary to the act for naturalization,
did grant privilege to enjoy, and confirm, the title to all real and perfonal property
which any foreigners who before that time and fince their fettlement in this ftate had
purchafed or acquired, in the fame manner and as rightfully as they the faid fo-
reigners might have had or enjoyed if they had refpectively naturalized themfelves
according to the exprefs provifions contained in the faid act of naturalization,
provided they the faid foreigners would naturalize themfelves according to the faid
act of naturalization on or before the firft day of Auguft, one thoufand feven hun-
dred and ninety-three: And whereas it appears juft to this general affembly to
extend the operation of the faid act for a further time ;
given to fo-
reigners, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all the privi-
leges, rights and immunities, conveyed or confirmed to the faid foreigners by the
faid act to which this is a fupplement, fubject to the favings therein expreffed,
be and are hereby given to all fuch foreigners refpectively as fhall naturalize them-
felves, in the mode prefcribed by the original act of naturalization, on or before
the firft day of Auguft next, any law, ufage or cuftom, to the contrary notwith-
Paffed De-
cember 28.
Rules, &c,
made valid,
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court,
of Montgomery county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly by the judges of
faid court, that the orphans court of Montgomery county flood ad-
journed to the fecond Tuefday in April, feventeen hundred and nine-
ty-three, and from ficknefs and other unavoidable circumftances no one of the
juftices of faid court attended to call the fame according to adjournment as afore-
faid ;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all the rules,
judgments, entries, acts, procefs and proceedings, made and rendered by the juf-
tices of faid court fince the faid fecond Tuefday of April aforefaid, fhall be and
are hereby made as valid and effectual, according to the true intent and purpofe of
the fame, as if the faid court had met at the time to which the faid court ftood
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT for vefting in Thomas Cockey Deye, and his heirs, all
the right and intereft of the ftate of Maryland in and to a tract
of land called Lancafter.
WHEREAS Thomas Cockey Deye, of Baltimore county, did, by his pe-
tition to this general affembly, fet forth, that Allan Pearfon, of Liver-
pool, in the kingdom of Great-Britain, being feized of divers tracts or
parcels of land in this ftate, and amongft others of a tract or parcel of land called
Lancafter, fituate in Baltimore county, containing, by eftimation, three hundred
and twenty-two acres, did, on or about the twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year feventeen hundred and feventy-two, appoint a certain Henry Thomp-
fon, then of Baltimore-town, his true and lawful attorney, for him and in hit
name (amongft other things) to fell and difpofe of the faid tract called Lancaf-
ter, and upon fuch fale to execute proper conveyances and affurances for the