II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Edward Cockey,
Thomas Beafman and Beal Owings, or any two of them, be and they are hereby
appointed commiffioners to furvey, lay out and open, at the expence of the faid
Francis Snowden, a road not exceeding thirty-three feet wide, in fuch direction
as the fituation of the ground will admit, and beft anfwer the purpofes of this
act, from Francis Snowden's mill, in Baltimore county, to the Great falls of Pa-
tapfco, at or near Solomon Alien's mill, where the great road croffes faid falls,
and to lay out a road from the faid Snowden's mill to interfect the old road lead-
ing from Baltimore to Liberty-town; and the faid roads, when fo furveyed, laid
but and opened, and the valuation herein after directed to be made fhall have
taken place, fhall be recorded in Baltimore county court, and fhall be deemed and
taken to be public roads for ever thereafter, and kept up, amended and repaired,
as all other public roads in the faid county.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners fhall afcertain and value
what damages may be fuftained by any perfon or perfons through whofe land the
faid roads fhall pafs, and the fame, when fo affeffed, fhall be paid, or fecured to
be paid, by the faid petitioner, before the faid commiffioners fhall proceed to open
the faid roads: Provided always, that if any perfon or perfons, through whofe
land the faid roads fhall pafs, or his, her or their guardian or truftee, fhall con-
ceive themfelves aggrieved by fuch valuation and affeffment of damages by the
faid commiffioners, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid commiffioners, or any
two of the ID, to iffue their warrant to any conftable of the county, to fummon
five freeholders of the county, not interested in the premifes, and qualified to
ferve as jurors in the county court, to appear on a day by them to be appointed,
on the premifes; and the faid commiffioners are hereby authorifed to adminifter
an oath to every perfon fo fummoned, that he will, without favour, affection, pre-
judice or partiality, affefs the damages fuftained by the perfon at whofe requeft
fuch inquifition fhall be taken, by reafon of opening the aforefaid roads through
his, her, or their lands; and the perfons fo fummoned and fworn fhall thereupon
proceed to affefs and value the damages accordingly, of which the faid petitioner
fhall have had at leaft five days previous notice; and fuch inquifition fhall be
final and conclufive between the parties.
ers appointed,
Who fhall af-
certain da-
mages, &c.