How fines,
&c. are to be
III. And be it enacted, That all fines, forfeitures and penalties, impofed by
this act, or the act to which this is a fupplement, and alfo by an act, entitled,
An act to alter and amend the act eftablifhing a market at the market-houfe in
Chefter-town, Kent county, fo far as the fame refpects the cordage of wood,
fhall be recovered by warrant before any juftice of the peace for Kent county, or
the county where the tranfgreffor fhall refide, with cofts of warrant, in the name
of the prefiding juftice of the orphans court of Kent county, and it is hereby de-
clared to be the duty of the clerk of the faid market to take the trouble of reco-
vering the fame.
And how ap-
Paffed De-
cember 28.
Several acts
IV. And it is hereby further enacted, That all fines, forfeitures and penalties,
impofed and to be recovered by virtue of this act, fhall be applied to the purpofes
and in the manner that fines, forfeitures and penalties, are directed to be applied
by the act to which this is a fupplement.
An ACT to continue an act entitled, An act for the better ad-
miniftration of juftice in the feveral counties of this ftate, and
the fupplementary acts thereto.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled,
An act for the better adminiftration of juftice in the feveral counties of
this ftate, paffed at a feffion of affembly begun and held at the city of An-
napolis on Monday the firft of November, one thoufand feven hundred and
ninety, and a fupplement to the faid act, paffed at the fame feffion, and an addi-
tional fupplement to the faid act, paffed at a feffion of affembly begun and held at
the city of Annapolis on Monday the fifth of November, one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-two, be and the fame are hereby continued for three years,
and unto the end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall happen there-
Paffed De-
cember 28.
A Supplement to an act, entitled. An act for the relief of the poor
in Dorchefter and Somerfet counties.
WHEREAS children are frequently brought to the alms-houfes of
Dorchefter and Somerfet counties to be received and fupported, and
it would often be for the benefit of fuch of faid children who do not
exceed three years of age, and alfo leffen the expence of faid counties, to veft
in a majority of the truftees of the alms-houfes of faid counties, a power of
putting out fuch children to be nurfed and maintained in the neighbourhood ;
Truftees to
place out chil-
dren, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That any four of the
truftees of the faid alms-houfes of Dorchefter and Somerfet counties, fhall be and
they are hereby authorifed and empowered, to place out children of the above de-
fcription on the moft favourable terms which they can obtain for their refpective
counties, to be nurfed, fupported and maintained, until they fhall arrive at the age of
three years as aforefaid, and the expences arifing therefrom fhall be levied on their
refpective counties in the fame manner as other expences of their refpective alms-
houfes are levied; and it fhall be the duty of each of the truftees of the counties
aforefaid, perfonally to examine from time to time into the fituation of fuch chil-
dren fo put out to be nurfed and fupported, and from time to time to report to the
faid truftees, met for the tranfacting of bufinefs of their refpective houfes, the
fituation and management of faid children, fo that they may be carefully and faith-
fully nurfed, fupported and maintained.
How fines are
to be recover-
III. And be it enacted, That all fines impofed for non-attendance of the
truftees aforefaid at the appointed times of meeting by virtue of an act, entitled,
An act to enlarge the powers of the truftees of the poor of the feveral counties
therein mentioned, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety one,