Martin's Landing, and as the eftablifhing the fame a public road would greatly
adminifter to the convenience of the public, they humbly prayed that the fame
might be made a public road, and put upon the fame footing, and kept up under
the fame regulations, as other public roads are; all which appearing to this ge-
neral affembly reafonable, therefore,
Road declared
public, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the road afore-
faid, leading from Crooked Run to Saint-Martin's Landing, be and the fame is
hereby declared, deemed and taken to be, a public road for ever, and hereafter to
be kept up and repaired as other public roads are in faid county, any law to the
contrary in anywife notwithftanding.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
Allowance to
jurymen of
the general
To be paid by
the treafurers,
An ACT to increafe the allowance to jurymen of the general
court, and the feveral county courts, in this ftate.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the firft day of February next there fhall be allowed to each grand and
petit juryman attending the general court on the weftern and eaftern fhores
of this ftate, the fum of twelve fhillings and fix-pence current money for each and
every day fuch grand and petit juryman fhall attend for the difcharge of his duty,
befides itinerant charges.
II. And be it enacted, That from and after the commencement of this act the
treafurers of the weftern and eaftern fhores, or either of them, fhall and they are
hereby authorifed and directed to pay out of any unappropriated or furplus money
which fhall be in their refpective treafuries, unto each juryman of the general
court on the weftern and eaftern fhores, or his affigns, upon fuch juryman or his
affigns producing a certificate from either of the clerks of faid court, fuch fum
as may appear to be due upon the face of fuch certificate, and the faid payments
fhall be made at the city of Annapolis, or the town of Eafton.
Certificates to
be made out,
III. And be it enacted, That the clerks of the faid courts fhall and they
are hereby directed to make out fuch certificates, with the feveral fums fo due ex-
preffed in words at length; and the faid clerks fhall return to the general affembly
of Maryland, on or before the twentieth day of November in each year, a true and
accurate account of the amount of all certificates fo as aforefaid by them iffued.
Allowance to
jurymen at-
tending coun-
ty courts, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That from and after the firft day of February next
there fhall be allowed to each grand and petit juryman attending the feveral coun-
ty courts in this ftate, the fum of feven fhillings and fix-pence current money for
each and every day fuch grand and petit juryman fhall attend for the difcharge of
his duty as fuch, to be allowed, affeffed and levied, in the feveral and refpective
counties of this ftate, in the fame manner as the allowances to jurymen have
heretofore been affeffed and levied.
V. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained,
fo far as it refpects the allowance to be made to the grand and petit jurors in the
feveral counties, fhall extend to Allegany county.
Former laws
repealed, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That all laws heretofore paffed, whereby any other
allowance is directed to be made to any juryman for his attendance as aforefaid,
be and the fame are hereby repealed, fo far as the fame fhall be repugnant to, or
in any manner inconfiftent with, the provifions contained in this act.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to confirm the title of certain lots of ground to the fo-
ciety of people called Quakers, in Baltimore-town, whereon is
their meeting-houfe and burying-ground.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this legiflature, by the monthly meeting
of the people called Quakers, in Baltimore-town, that they are feized
and poffeffed of a lot of ground on the eaft fide of Jones's falls, in-