authorifed a payment of fuch bonds and accounts in final fettlement certificates, bearing an intereft
from the faid firft day of January, and it is reafonable that the furplus intereft fhould be allowed to
them; therefore, RESOLVED, That the truftee for the time being be and is hereby directed to pay the
amount of fuch furplus intereft in three per cent, ftock belonging to this ftate, after exifting appro-
priations on fuch ftock fhall have been fatisfied.
WHEREAS the chancellor of Maryland, by his decree made at October term laft, did, amongft
Other things, order and direct, that a bond pafled to the ftate of Maryland by Levin Winder and
John Gale, fhould be delivered up to the faid Levin Winder and John Gale, to be cancelled; there-
fore, RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to deliver up
to the faid Levin Winder and John Gale, or either of them, their bond, to be cancelled.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be and he is hereby requeued to inquire into the legality
of the adjudication of the commiffioners, as to the lines of My Lady's manor, under a commiffion
to mark and bound the faid lines, lately iffued out of Baltimore county court, and if, in his opinion,
the ftate will be injured by an acquiefcence in the faid adjudication, to take the moft effectual, and
at the fame time the leaft expenfive fteps, to call in queftion and try the fame, at the cofts of the
ftate, and if in his opinion the faid adjudication is lawful and ought to ftand, to report fuch his opi-
nion to the next general aflembly, with the reafons thereof.
WHEREAS, by the act for confifcation of Britifh property in this ftate, the property of the
Principio company was confifcated, and fome fuperannuated flaves were found on the faid land, which
it would be inhuman to permit to fuffer; therefore, RESOLVED, That the fheriff of Baltimore
county be and he is hereby authorifed and directed to remove the faid negroes, called Daniel and
Scipio, to the poor-houfe of Baltimore county, and make the moft advantageous contract, on the
part of the ftate, with the commiffioners of the poor, for the fupport and maintenance of the afore-
faid negroes by the year.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings on the bonds paffed by Robert Long, of Baltimore county,
to the ftate of Maryland, be and they are hereby fufpended until the firft day of July next.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and directed
to pay to Robert Gill Hampton the fum of twelve pounds and ten fhillings current money, being the
amount of five months pay; and that the auditor-general be and he is hereby directed and empower-
ed to pay and deliver to him, certificates for the depreciation of his pay, as a foldier in the late con-
tinental army.
RESOLVED, That no fuit fhall be brought on the bond given by Daniel Richardfon, of Harford
county, to the ftate, the feventeenth day of September, feventeen hundred and eighty-five, for one
hundred and eighty-five pounds, for confifcated property, part of My Lady's manor, until the end of
the next feffion of aflembly; and if any fuit fhall have been brought before the paffing of this refo-
lution, that then the fame be fufpended until the end of the next feffion of the general aflembly.
RESOLVED, That no execution fhall iflue on any judgment obtained by the ftate of Maryland
againft Margaret Myers, until the end of the next November feffion.
WHEREAS, by an act to appoint an agent for the year 1792, and other purpofes, all the debtors
of this ftate, who have or might have inftalled under the act relating to the debtors and creditors of
this ftate, were permitted to difcharge their debts by five annual payments, the firft of which was
due and became payable on the firft of December, 1792: And whereas the fecurities of Thomas
Williams paid into the treafury one third part of the principal of their inftalled debt on the 26th day
of July, 1791, which deprived them of the indulgence granted by the act of the laft feffion, without
the payment of one fifth of the remaining balance; and it appearing to this general aflembly but
reafonable and right that the faid fecurities fhould have every indulgence that other debtors are enti-
tled to, who are at this time compelled to pay but one fifth of their inftalled debt, RESOLVED, That
no procefs fhall iflue on the bond or bonds pafled by the fecurities of Thomas Williams to the ftate,
for the debt by them inftalled, before the firft day of December next, provided the intereft now due
thereon be paid before the firft day of April next, and that the fecurities be put on the fame footing
with debtors of this ftate who inftalled under the act to appoint an agent for the year 1792, as to the
future payments of their inftalled debt.
RESOLVED, That the truftee of the ftate transfer to Nicholas and Jacob Vanftaphorft the fum
of £ 61,525 deferred ftock, and in cafe there fhould not be a fufficiency of deferred ftock in the
truftee's hands to pay the faid fum of £ 61,525, that then the truftee transfer to the faid Jacob and
Nicholas Vanftaphorft as much of the three per cent, ftock as will make up the deficiency, in full
difcharge of the loan made to this ftate the 31ft of Auguft, 1782, on a notarial certificate being
produced to him, that the original bond of Matthew Ridley, agent of this ftate, has been can-
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to Samuel Sterett, agent of Meffieurs
Vanftaphorft, the fum of £ 150, on the order of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Efquire, one of
the commiffioners of the ftate, which is to be in full difcharge of all claims and demands for intereft
on the aforefaid loan.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorifed and are hereby required to appoint
fome perfon to collect all fums of money and tobacco which did belong to, Robert Chriftie, late fhe-
riff of Baltimore county, and were forfeited to this ftate, except the public and county dues, to be
applied, in the firft place, to the payment of a debt due from the faid Chriftie to the ftate of Ma-
ryland, and fo much of the remainder as may be necefiary to be applied towards payment of the debts
due from the faid Chriftie to the counties of Baltimore and Harford, and any perfon or perfons what-