RESOLVED, That no execution fhall iffue on the judgment obtained by the ftate of Maryland
in the general court of the eaftern fhore, againft Patrick Hamilton, Bafil Williams and John Crook-
fhanks, until the tenth day of November next; provided, that the fum of one hundred and fifty
pounds current money be paid by the faid Williams and Crookfhanks to the treafurer of the weftern
fhore by the tenth day of April next, or they fhall lofe the benefit of this refolution,
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby empowered and required
to advance to Dennis Griffith, of Anne-Arundel county, one thoufand pounds current money in three
payments, to enable him to complete a map of the ftate; that three hundred pounds be ad-
vanced as foon as may be, and the remainder in equal portions, one half on the firft of May next
the laft payment oh the firft day of November next; that the faid advances be made out of any un-
appropriated money, or any furplus of appropriations which now are or may come into the treafury ;
that the faid treafurer, on each advance, take bond with fecurity to repay the fame in three annual
payments, the firft to be made on the firft day of November, 1795, and the remainder in equal an-
nual payments thereafter, with intereft from the date of each advance refpectively.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general, under the direction of the governor and council, be di-
rected and empowered to fettle and adjuft, upon the principles of equity, the accounts between Over-
ton Carr, of Prince-George's county, and the ftate of Maryland, and that the treafurer of the weft-
ern fhore iffue to the faid Overton Carr a certificate for the balance, if any, which may be found
upon fuch fettlement to be due to him.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay unto Samuel Morton, of St. Mary's
county, the fum of feven pounds thirteen fhillings and eight-pence current money, being fo much
overpaid by him for public affeffments for the years one thouland feven hundred and eighty-five,
eighty-fix, eighty-feven, eighty-eight and eighty-nine,
RESOLVED, That all proceedings againft Richard Waters, upon a judgment obtained againft
him, at the fuit of the ftate, for certain lands purchafed at the fale of the Indian lands on Nanticoke
manor, fhall be fufpended, until the title of the ftate to that part of his purchafe made of the ftate,
claimed by the heirs of colonel Ryder, fhall be afcertained and determined, upon his paying for the
land fold him clear of difpute, at the fame time, and on the fame terms, as thofe who have already
inftalled, the amount of the fum to be fo paid to be afcertained by three perfons, one to be appointed
by the governor and council, who are hereby empowered and directed to make faid appointment, one
by the faid Richard Waters, and the two perfons chofen by them to appoint a third fhould they dif-
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be and he is hereby directed to profecute an action of tref-
pafs and ejectment, at the expence of the ftate, to try the right of the ftate to the land fold to the faid
Waters, and claimed as aforefaid, if, upon examination, he fhall be of opinion that a fuit can be
RESOLVED, That no fuit fhall be inftituted againft Benjamin Cawood, of Charles county, on his
bond to the ftate, palled 30th day of July, 1790, for the fecond payment, until the 1ft day of De-
cember, 1793; provided, that the faid Benjamin Cawood pay all arrears of intereft on or before the
firft day of March next.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be and he is hereby directed to difcontinue the action of
trefpafs and ejectment, now depending in the general court of the eaftern fhore, and which was infti-
tuted on behalf of the ftate againft George Tull, for the recovery of a tract of land called Tower Hill,
as confifcation property formerly belonging to Adam Carlifle, a Britifh fubject; provided, that the.
ftate pay no cofts incurred by the faid George Tull; and provided alfo, that John Anderfon, who
purchafed the faid land of the late intendant of the revenue, be at liberty to profecute the faid fuit at
his own expence, if he fhould think proper, and fhall make his election at the next term, and, in
cafe he fhall not elect to profecute the fuit aforefaid, that the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall
deliver to the faid John Anderfon his bond paffed for the faid tract of land, called Tower Hill, to
the ftate of Maryland.
WHEREAS John Goflee, of Somerfet county, hath, by his petition to this general affembly, fet
forth, that he deeded fifty acres of land to his fon, Matthew Goflee, for and in confideration of faid
fon's continuing with him until he arrived to the age of twenty-one years, or day of marriage; that
his faid fon fome fhort time thereafter, contrary to his engagement aforefaid, left him and went to
the Britifh army, and hath never fince returned, by which means the aforefaid fifty acres of land be-
came fubject to confifcation, and was fold by the commiffioners for the prefervation and fale,of Bri-
tifh property, and that the faid petitioner purchafed the aforefaid land, for which he was fued, and is
now under execution, the difcharge of which will prove his and a numerous family's entire ruin ;
therefore, RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be and he is hereby direaed to difcharge the faid
John Goflee from the aforefaid execution; and that the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is
hereby authorifed and directed to deliver up to the aforefaid John Goflee the bond paffed to the state
on account of the purchafe aforefaid, upon his paying all cofts and charges, in confequence of the
faid fuit, and all commiffions and expences incurred by the ftate in the fale of faid lands,
RESOLVED, That the chancellor, on the application of Beriah Maybury, of the city of Annapo-
lis, do execute a deed to him for a lot of ground in Queen-Anne, in Prince-George s county, pur-
chafed by William Pendergaft of the late intendant of the revenue, on his producing a certificate
from the treafurer of the weftern fhore that he has paid for the faid lot.
WHEREAS fundry debtors, in virtue of fundry refolutions affented to by the general affembly of
this ftate, difcharged their bonds and accounts in final fettlement certificates, which had an intereft due
thereon previous to the firft of January, feveneen hundred and eighty-five, and the said refolutions