ever, at the time of his attainder; and that the faid perfon, before he begins to collect, fhall give
bond, with fufficient fecurity, for the faithful difcharge of his duty in colletting the fame, and that
he fhall be accountable for all the monies he fhall receive, and no more.
WHEREAS the chancellor of Maryland, by his decree made at October term, feventeen hun-
dred and ninety-one, did, amongft other things, order and direct, that the bonds paffed to the ftate
of Maryland by William Slade, James Denny and David Wiley, fhould be delivered up to the faid
William Slade, James Denny and David Wiley, to be cancelled, and that the ftate of Maryland
fhould refund to the complainants refpectively all money or other things by them paid to the ftate of
Maryland, or the value thereof; therefore, RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be
and he is hereby directed to deliver up to the faid William Slade; James Denny and David Wiley
or either of them, their bonds, to be cancelled, and that he refund to them all money or other things
by them paid to the ftate of Maryland, or the value thereof.
WHEREAS it appears by the letter of the 17th inftant, from Chriftopher Richmond and John
Wright, agents to fettle the accounts of this ftate with the United States, that they have procured a
payment at the treafury of the United States of two thoufand three hundred and forty-three dollars
and fixty-three cents, on an account exhibited in behalf of this ftate for payments made to certain
invalid penfioners fubfequent to the fourth of March, 1789; RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the
weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and directed to draw out of the hands of the faid Chrif-
topher Richmond and John Wright the aforefaid fum of two thoufand three hundred and forty-three
dollars and fixty-three cents for the ufe of this ftate, and alfo any further fum or fums of money
which the faid Chriftopher Richmond and John Wright, or either of them, may receive from the
United States on account of payments made by this ftate to invalid penfioners fubfequent to the 4th
day of March, 1789.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be and he is hereby directed to inftitute an action of
trefpafs and ejectment againft the heirs of colonel Ryder, who are in poffeffion of part of lot No. 3 of
the Nanticoke Indian lands purchafed by John Ecclefton, and profecute the fame at the expence of
the ftate, in cafe he fhall think the title of the ftate maintainable; and alfo to direct a ftay of execu-
tion of the judgment obtained againft the faid John Ecclefton, until the title aforefaid is determined.
A LIST of the LAWS paffed laft SESSION.
AN ACT to enable the court of appeals to continue certain caufes depending in the faid
An ACT authorifmg certain commiffioners to iffue fummonfes for witneffes in the cafe therein
An ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the council for the enfuing year;
A Further fupplement to the act for building a new church in the city of Annapolis.
An ACT concerning Foreft-ftreet, in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to empower the juftices of the peace of Charles county to
affefs and levy a fum of money on faid county to repair their court-houfe and build a record-office.
An ACT to enable the inhabitants of All-Faith parifh, in Saint-Mary's county, to cleft veftrymen
and churchwardens for faid parifh, and for other purpofes.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for valuing the lot of ground in Upper-Marlborough,
in Prince-George's county, on which the infpecting-houfe ftands, and for paying the proprietor
the value thereof.
An ACT to repeal an act, entitled, An act to prevent and fupprefs infurrections.
An ACT to confirm the proceedings of Kent county levy court.
An ACT fupplementary to an act, entitled, An act to erect and eftablifh an infurance fire com-
pahy in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, and for other purpofes.
An ACT to enable John M'Kim and John Brown, of Baltimore county, to convey certain lands
to the ufes therein mentioned.
A Further fupplement to the act to encourage the deftroying of wolves.
An ACT for the relief of certain foreigners who have fettled within this ftate, further fupple-
mentary to the act for naturalization.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to reftrain furveyors, to regulate certain proceedings
in the land-office, and to compel the attendance of witneffes on furveys under the authority of
the chancery, general, and county courts.
An ACT to prevent abufes in making of bricks, and to afcertain the dimenfions thereof, in Kent
An ACT for the benefit of Jeffe Fookes, of Worcefter county.
An ACT to lay out and open a road to and from the mill of Benjamin Lawrence and Elias Dor-
fey, on the weftern fork of Patapfco falls.
An ACT to empower and authorife certain commiffioners of Dorchefter and Caroline counties to
open a main road, and change the old road, which was formerly the divifion of the faid coun-
ties, at the North-Weft Fork bridge, and the fame, when fo changed, to be the divifion of the
faid counties.
An ACT to direct the mode of profecution in certain cafes.
An ACT fupplementary to an act, entitled, An act for the more effectual paving the ftreets of
Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, and for other purpofes.
An ACT to confirm an act to prohibit members of congrefs, or perfons in office under the United
States, from being eligible as members of the legiflature or council, or holding offices in this ftate.
An ACT to empower Jacob Green, of Prince-George's county, to fell and difpofe of the per-
fonal property of Philip Green and Jacob Green, junior.
An ACT to alter and change the name of Francis Hall, junior, of Queen-Anne's county.
An ACT to extend the time for the late fheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's county to complete
his collections.
An ACT to open a road through part of Montgomery county.
An ACT to extend the feveral ftreets in Baltimore-town thereto mentioned.
C H A P.