L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
ftate, and that it is but juft that the citizens of both ftates fhall fhare in the ad-
vantages, as they have united in liberality towards the faid city, and have prayed
that a law might be made, permitting negro flaves to be employed by the public
on either fide of the river Patowmack, either in the works of the Patowmack
company or of the city of Wafhington; and it appearing to this general affem-
bly that the prayer of the faid petition ought to be granted,
may employ
flaves, &c.
II. Be it therefore enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall
be lawful for the faid Patowmack company, and for the faid commiffioners, to
employ any male flaves of the ftate of Virginia, or of the ftate of Maryland, in
any part of the public works committed to their refpective charge, on either fide
of the river Patowmack, and to remove them as often as may be neceffary to and
from either of the faid flates, and that the flaves, fo employed, fhall not acquire
any right to freedom in confequence thereof; provided always, that every flave
brought from Virginia to Maryland by virtue of this act, fhall be carried back to
Virginia within twelve calendar months from the final completion of the pub-
lic works, either of the faid city of Wafhington or of the faid river Patow-
mack refpectively, in which the faid flave fhall be employed; and that every
flave, not carried back as aforefaid, fhall be entitled to freedom at the expiration
of twelve months as aforefaid: And provided alfo, that this act fhall have no
effect until a law, on fimilar principles, fhall have been paffed by the common-
wealth of Virginia.
Paffed De-
cember 23.
An ACT for eftablifhing and fecuring the falary of the chancellor.
WHEREAS the declaration of rights directs, that a falary be fecured
to the chancellor during the continuance of his commiffion; and the
nature of his office, as well as the provifions of law, require the re-
fidence of the chancellor at the feat of government,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor
fhall be entitled to receive for all duties and fervices whatever prefcribed, or to be
prefcribed, by law, an annual falary of nine hundred and fifty pounds current
money, during the continuance of his commiffion, to be paid quarterly.
Perfons to pay
for fervices
done, &c.
III. And, to fecure the punctual payment of faid falary, Be it enacted, That
all perfons who may have fervices done in the court of chancery, or land-office
of the weftern fhore, or who may have the great feal affixed to any patent, grant,
commiffion, or other paper, for their benefit, fhall pay according to the following
table, as in current money, and no more, any law to the contrary notwithftand-
ing: Filing every original bill or petition in chancery, one dollar; filing every
petition relative to a caufe or matter depending in the court of chancery, or land-
office, half a dollar; filing every bill of revivor, half a dollar; filing every an-
fwer, for each defendant, unlefs in the cafe of joint heirs, executors, adminiftra-
tors or truftees, half a dollar; drawing and figning by the chancellor of a final
decree, or decree in chancery granting relief, or difmiffing the bill or original
petition, one dollar; drawing and figning by the chancellor of every interlocuto-
ry decree or order in chancery relative to a caufe, half a dollar; every final ad-
judication in the land-office, on caveat, to be paid by the party gaining, and to
be allowed as other cofts, one dollar; every order in the land-office, at the in-
ftance of the party, half a dollar; the feal of a fubpoena or fummons from chan-
cery, for each name one quarter of a dollar; the feal of a grant or patent of land
not exceeding three hundred acres, two dollars; the feal of a grant or patent of
land exceeding three hundred acres, for each one hundred acres above three hun-
dred, one quarter of a dollar; the feal of a decree if required, three dollars ;
the feal of an injunction, or of a writ of error to the court of appeals, three dol-
lars; the feal of a writ of execution, or of a writ of error from a county court,
two dollars; the feal of a fheriff's commiffion, four dollars and two thirds of a
dollar; the feal of every commiffion to a civil office (except juftices of the
peace and of the orphans court) to which any falary for, or allowance, is an-
nexed, two dollars; the feal to every other matter or thing that fhall pafs the