THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
pay the fum of ten pounds current money, to be recovered by action of debt, one
half to the informer, or by bill of indictment in any county court within this
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That if any flave fhall whip and beat the water in the
faid river as aforefaid, fuch flave fhall be punifhed for every fuch offence, on
conviction thereof before any juftice of the peace by the oath of one or more
credible witnefs or witneffes, by whipping on his back, in the difcretion of
the faid juftice, not exceeding, for each offence, the number of ten lafhes: Pro-
vided always, that the mafter or miftrefs of faid flave, or any other perfon, may
redeem faid flave, fo convided, from faid punifhment, by the payment of five
pounds current money, one half to the informer, the other half to be paid to the
faid juftice, for the ufe of the county: And provided, that if fuch flave fhall act as
aforefaid by the order of his owner or employer, he fhall not be fubject to whip-
ping as aforefaid, but the owner or employer giving the order, fhall be fubject to
the faid penalty of ten pounds, to be recovered as aforefaid.
Slaves to be
punifhed for
whipping the
water, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That every juftice of the peace fhall, at the levy court
of his county, account for all fums of money received by virtue of this act, un-
der the penalty of fifty pounds current money.
Juftices to ac-
count, &c.
V. This act to commence on the firft day of March next, and to continue in
full force for three years, and until the end of the next feffion of affembly which
fhall happen thereafter.
ment, &c.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act regulating the mode of
flaying execution, and for repealing the acts of affembly therein
Paffed De-
cember 23.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That execution may
be iffued on any judgment or decree rendered or to be rendered in any
court of law or equity, or orphans court, or by any fingle magiftrate, in
this ftate, at any time within two months from the time of the rendition of fuch
judgment or decree, any thing in the faid act to which this is a fupplement to
the contrary notwithftanding, provided fuch judgment or decree fhall not have
been fuperfeded agreeably to the directions of the faid act.
may be iffued,
II. And be it enacted, That the clerk or regifter of the court out of which
any execution fhall iffue, fhall endorfe on fuch execution the day on which the
judgment or decree, on which fuch execution fhall iflue, fhall have been render-
ed, but the omiffion of fuch endorfement fliall be no caufe to fet afide fuch exe-
cution; and the judge, juftice or juftices, before whom any fuperfedeas fhall be
taken, fhall give a certificate thereof, expreffing the names of the plaintiff and,
defendants, the court in which, and the fum for which the judgment or decree
was rendered, and the time of entering into the fuperfedeas, and if it fhall appear
that fuch fuperfedeas was not entered into within two months from the time of
the rendition of the judgment or decree, no execution fhall be ftayed thereby.
And fhall be
endorfed, &c.
An ACT in favour of the prefident and directors of the Patow-
mack company and the commiffioners of the federal buildings.
Paffed De-
cember 23.
WHEREAS the prefident and diredors of the Patowmack company,
and the commiffioners of the federal buildings, by their petition to
this general aflembly, fetting forth, that the labour of the Patow-
mack company is beft performed by negro flaves, that it is highly expedient that
the labourers fhould be frequently removed from one fide of the river to the other,
as the work cannot, with convenience, be effected by diftinct fets of labourers
for each fide of the river, and that a great deal of labour will be neceffary in the
city of Wafhington, and the matters of flaves in each ftate, as well as the pub-
lic, may reap confiderable benefit from the privilege of taking them from either