THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
for, Be it enacted, That in all fuch cafes the faid regifter fhall make out, on or
before the aforefaid firft day of April next, accounts of all fuch lands, which
have been compounded on between the firft day of January, one thoufand feven
hundred and feventy-two, and the firft day of April, one thoufand feven hun-
dred and ninety-three, and on which patent is ready to be iffued on application,
and in like manner deliver them to the fheriff of Anne-Arundel county, to be
forwarded to the commiffioners of the tax in each refpective county, in the man-
ner and under the penalties herein before mentioned; and the faid regifter fhall
annually, between the firft day of March and the firft day of April, in like man-
ner, make out and deliver accounts of all lands which, from time to time, fhall
be fo compounded on, and for which patents, for the reafons aforefaid, may not
have iffued; and all fuch lands fhall be valued and affeffed by the commffioners
of the tax in the fame manner as if patents had iffued therefor.
XII. And, whereas fince the laft average valuation of lands in the feveral
counties of this ftate, Wafhington county hath been divided, and a new county
erected out of it by the name of Allegany, and it is neceffary to fix an average or
And of lands
on, &c.
the lands in Allegany county, Be it enacted, That the average value of the lands
by the acre in Allegany county be four fhillings current money.
XIII. And, whereas the lands in Allegany county are greatly inferior in value
to the lands in Wafhington county, and it is right and proper that the average of
Average value
in Allegany.
the whole fhould not be diminished, Be it enacted, That the average value of
the lands in Wafhington county fhall be twenty-four fhillings per acre, any thing
in the before-mentioned act to afcertain the value of the land in the feveral coun-
ties of this ftate for the purpofe of laying the public affeffment, to the contrary
XIV. And, whereas large quantities of land to the weft ward of Fort Cumber-
land, in Allegany county, have been granted, difpofed of or fold, by the ftate to
different perfons, and in many cafes the perfons to whom the fame have been dif-
pofed of were vefted with an eftate in fee-fimple therein, without any patent
therefor, in virtue of an act to difpofe of the referved lands weftward of Fort
Cumberland, in Wafhington county, and to fulfil the engagements made by this
ftate to the officers and foldiers of the Maryland line in the fervice of the United
And in Wafh-
ington coun-
ty, &c,
States, and fundry fupplementary acts thereto; Be it enacted, That all lands
granted, difpofed of or fold, in virtue of the faid act and fupplements thereto,
fhall be and they are hereby made chargeable with any public tax or affeffment,
or county charge, that may hereafter be laid or impofed, according to the refpec-
tive value which fhall be fet upon any fuch lands in virtue of this act.
Lands made
XV. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office fhall, on the firft
day of April next, make out a lift of all lands granted, difpofed of or fold, in
virtue of any of the faid acts, and deliver the fame, directed to the commiffion-
ers of the tax for Allegany county, fealed and endorfed as aforefaid, to the fheriff
of Anne-Arundel county, to be forwarded as aforefaid; and the faid regifter fhall,
on the firft day of March annually, make out and deliver to the fheriff of Anne-
Arundel county, to be forwarded as aforefaid, lifts of all lands which may, after
the aforefaid firft day of April next, be fold or difpofed of in virtue of any of the
aforefaid acts, or by any future act of the general affembly.
Regifter to
make out a
lift, &c.
XVI. And be it enacted, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall, on or
before the tenth day of February next, make out and deliver to the regifter of the
land-office of the weftern fhore a lift of all fales of land in Allegany county by
virtue of any of the faid acts, and which are not already entered on the records
of the land-office.
Treafurer to
make out a
lift, &c.
XVII. And be it enafted, That if any perfon, appointed an affeffor in virtue
of this aft, and who fhall accept of his faid appointment, fhall neglect to return
to the commiffioners certificates for fuch valuation of the real and perfonal pro-
perty in his diftrict agreeably to this act and the inftructions given to him, he
Penalty on af-
feffors for ne-
glect, &c.