the perfon appointed affeffor in each diftrict, and fhall, immediately after fuch
choice, appoint a place and day, not exceeding ten days thereafter, (of which
five days notice fhall be given by fome one of the commiflioners to each affeffor)
for the faid affeffors to appear before them, and, at their appearance, the faid
commiflioners fhall openly read, or caufe to be read, fuch parts of this act, and
the act to afcertain the value of the land in the feveral counties of this ftate for
the purpofe of laying the public affeffment, as relate to their duty, and fhall ad-
vife them in what manner to make their afleflment, and in what form to return
their certificates thereof, and how to perform the feveral duties required of them
by this and the before-mentioned act, according to the true meaning thereof; and
the faid commiffioners fhall alfo appoint a place and day, between the firft and
twentieth days of April next, for the faid affeflbrs to appear and bring in writing
their feveral valuations of property in their refpective diftricts in purfuance of this
An affeffor to
be appointed.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the commiflioners of the tax for Baltimore
county fhall appoint an affeffor or affeffors to value all the property lying in the
precincts of Baltimore-town, in the fame manner, and by the fame rules, as the
property in faid county, and the return or returns of fuch valuation fhall be made
to the commiflioners aforefaid, and not to the commiflioners of Baltimore-town,
any thing in the aforefaid act to afcertain the value of the land in the feveral,
counties of this ftate for the purpofe of laying the public affeffment, to the con-
trary notwithftanding.
ers to be go-
verned by a
former act,
IX. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, in their direction to the
affeffers by them to be appointed in virtue of this act, fhall be governed in all re-
fpects by the provifions and directions of the aforefaid act to afcertain the value of
the land in the feveral counties of this ftate for the purpofe of laying the public
afleflment, and of this act 5 and the faid commiflioners fhall not be obliged to
alter the price or value fet on any lands in virtue of the aforefaid act averaging
the value of lands, except on account of improvements erected thereon fince the
paffage of the faid act, and except alfo in cafes where the value of the property
has been diminifhed by fire or other unavoidable accident, and except alfo in cafes
where, on an appeal by the party interefted, and on examination, they fhall be of
opinion the former valuation was erroneous and unjuft; and the faid commiffion-
ers are hereby authorifed to call on the clerks of their counties, to deliver them a
lift of alienations from the firft day of June, one thoufand feven hundred and
eighty-fix, to the firft meeting of the faid commiflioners, and fo from time to
time as occafion may require; and alfo to call on the clerks of their counties for
a lift of all transfers of perfonal property which fhall be recorded in their refpec-
tive offices, and which fhall take place after the afleflment of property in virtue
of this act, from time to time as occaffons may require;
Regifter to
make out an
account of
lands granted,
X. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office of the weftern
fhore fhall be and he is hereby directed, on the twentieth day of January next,
to make out, at the expence of each refpective county, an account of all lands
granted therein between the firft day of June, one thoufand feven hundred and
eighty-fix, and the faid twentieth day of January next, and fhall enclofe and di-
rect the fame, under feal, to the commiflioners of the tax in each county refpec-
tively, which letters he fhall deliver to the fheriff of Anne-Arundel county, en-
dorfed, " On public fervice," who fhall forward the fame as other public letters
are by law directed to be forwarded, and under the like penalties; and the faid
regifter fhall annually, between the firft day of March and the firft day of April,
in like manner, make out and deliver accounts of all lands which fhall, from,
time to time, be granted in this ftate, to be forwarded to the different commifi-
oners of the tax in manner aforefaid.
XI. And, whereas fundry perfons have obtained warrants to affect vacant and
other lands, on which certificates have been returned, and the compofition money
thereon paid, and fuch perfons, to evade the payment of any tax or charge on
fuch lands, or for fome other purpofe, have neglected to take out patents there-