THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
Hooper, Q. S. Richard Patterfon, John E. Gift and Levin Woolford; for Caecil
county, Meffieurs John Gilpin, Edward H. Veazey, Hezekiah Ford, George
Alexander and John Hartfhorn; for Prince-George's county, Meffieurs David
Craufurd, Richard Duckett, fenior, Clement Hill, Ofborn Sprigg and Robert
Bowie; for Queen-Anne's county, Meffieurs Aquila Brown, John Brown, Ed-
ward Downes, Arthur Emory and Robert Walters; for Worcefter county,
Meffieurs Thomas Martin, fenior; Samuel Handy, Philip Quinten, John Pope
Mitchell and Edward Henry; for Frederick county, Meffieurs Jofeph Sim,
William Murdock Beall, Thomas Hawkins, Nicholas Hobbs and Thomas
Beatty; for Harford county, Meffieurs Thomas Johnfon, Jeffe Jarrett, Ignatius
Wheeler, John Weftern and George Patterfon; for Caroline county, Meffieurs
Philemon Downes, Robert Poftlethwaite, Thomas Mafon, Jofeph Richardfon
and Jofeph Nicolls; for Baltimore-town, Meffieurs William Goodwin, Thomas
Elliott, Nicholas Rogers, William M'Laughlin and Thomas Johnfon; for
Wafhington county, Meffieurs Charles Swearingen, Alexander Clagett, William
Good, Martin Karfhner and Matthew Van Lear; for Montgomery county,
Meffieurs Samuel Thomas, 3d, William Holmes, Thomas Fletchall, Henry
Griffith and Thomas Cramphin; for Allegany county, Meffieurs Andrew Bruce,
Jofeph Crefap, John Reid, Alpheus Beall and Patrick Sullivan.
IV. And be it enacted, That every commiffioner appointed, or to be appoint-
ed, in virtue of this act, fhall, before he acts as fuch, take the following oath,
or affirmation, as the cafe may be, to wit: "I, A. B. do fwear, or folemnly,
" fincerely and truly declare and affirm, that as commiffioner for ———
" county, or Baltimore-town, I will; to the beft of my fkill and judgment,
" execute the duties of the faid office diligently and faithfully, according to the
" directions of the act for the valuation of real and perfonal property within this
" ftate, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-two, and the di-
" rections of the act to afcertain the value of the land in the feveral counties of this
" ftate for the purpofe of laying the public affeffment, paffed at November feffion,
" feventeen hundred and eighty-five, without favour, affection or partiality, and
" that I will do equal right and juftice, according to the beft of my knowledge,
" in every cafe in which I fhall act as commiffioner. So help me God."
Their oath.
V. And be it enacted, That every commiffioner, who fhall take upon himfelf
the execution of this act, fhall, during the time he fhall act as commiffioner, be
exempt from all militia duty, or ferving on any jury.
Exempt from
militia duty,
VI. And be it enacted, That if any one of the commiffioners aforefaid fhall
die, refufe, neglect, or be rendered incapable to act, the remaining commiffion-
ers, or a majority of them, may appoint fome other in the place of the perfon
who fhall die, refufe, neglect, or be incapable to ac; and if any three or more
of the faid commiffioners fhall die, refufe, negled, or be incapable to ad, the
governor, with the advice of the council, may appoint fome perfon or perfons in
his or their place, fo as to make up the number of three commiffioners, and they
fhall fill up the remaining vacancies in manner aforefaid; and the faid commif-
fioners fhall continue to act until their powers fhall be fuperfeded by fome future
act of affembly.
How vacan-
cies are to be
filled, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners of the tax fhall meet at the
place where the county courts are ufually held in their refpective counties, on the
twentieth day of January, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, or as foon there-
after as they may have notice of this act, and as often after as fhall be neceffary ;
and the faid commiffioners, at their faid meeting, fhall appoint a clerk, and alfo
divide their feveral counties into diftricts, of not lefs than two nor more than ten
diftricts in any one county, and not lefs than two large or three fmall hundreds in
any one diftrict, according to the population and extent of the county; and fhall
appoint, in each diftrict, one fenfible and adive perfon, an inhabitant of their
county, and having property therein to the value of two hundred pounds current
money, to be affeffor of the real and perfonal property in each diftrict; and the
faid commiffioners fhall enter in a book to be kept for that purpofe, the name of
Duty of com-