Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court
of Saint-Mary's county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the orphans
court of Saint-Mary's county flood adjourned to the fecond Tuefday
in June, feventeen hundred and ninety-two, and that no one of the
juflices of the faid court, from the inclemency of the weather, attended to call
the faid court according to adjournment as aforefaid,
Rules, &c.
made valid,
II. 'Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all the rules,
judgments, entries, acts, procefs and proceedings, made and rendered by the juf-
tices of faid court fince the faid fecond Tuefday of June aforefaid, fhall be and
are hereby made as valid and effectual, according to the true intent and purpofe
of the fame, as if the faid court had met at the time to which the faid court
flood adjourned.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT for the valuation of real and perfonal property within
this ftate.
Real and per-
fonal proper-
ty to be va-
lued, &c.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all real and per-
fonal property in this flate, (except property belonging to this flate or the
United States, houfes for public worfhip, burying-grounds, or property
belonging to any county, or to any college, or to any county fchool, and except
alfo the crop and produce of the land in the hands of the perfon whofe land pro-
duced the fame, and provifions neceffary for the ufe and confumption of the per-
fon to whom the fame fhall belong, and his family, for the year, and plantation
utenfils, the working tools of mechanics and manufacturers, actually and con-
ftantly employed in their refpeftive occupations, wearing apparel, goods, wares
and merchandife, imported, and all home made manufactures in the hands of the
manufacturers, all ftills and ready money,) fhall be valued agreeably to the di-
rections of this act, and fhall be chargeable, according to fuch valuation, with if
the public affeffment. : • •.'.•-•• .,• - .. ' jm
ers to be ap-
pointed, &c.
II. And be it enacted, That five fenfible, difcreet, and experienced perfons,
fhall be appointed in each county of this flate, who fhall be called Commiffion-
ers of the Tax, and they, or any three or more of them, fhall be the commif-
fioners for the county for which they fhall feverally be appointed; and five per-
fons as aforefaid fhall be appointed, and called Commiffioners of the Tax for
Baltimore-town, for the fame time; provided, that no member of the general
affembly, or the council, clergyman, practifing attorney or phyfician, fheriff,
clerk of the general or any county court, ordinary-keeper, mariner or infpector,
fhall be appointed a commiffioner or affeffor.
Their names.
III. And be it enacted, That the following perfons fhall be and are hereby
appointed commiffioners for the feveral and refpective counties of this ftate, and
for Baltimore-town, to wit: For Saint-Mary's county, Meffieurs William Kil-
gour, Zachariah Forreft, Richard Bond, Charles Lewellin and John Armftrong ;
for Kent county, Meffieurs Robert Buchanan, Richard Tilghman, 4th, Benja-
min Terry, John Rowles and Vincent Hatchefon; for Anne-Arundel county,
Meflieurs William Hall, 3d, John Brice, Richard Cromwell, Thomas Wor-
thington, of Nicholas, and James Difney; for Charles county, Meflieurs Tho-
mas Harris, Alexander M'Pherfon, Henry Barnes, Thomas Andrew Dyfon and
Richard Bennett Mitchell; for Calvert county, Meflieurs Jofeph Blake, Jofeph
Wilkinfon, Thomas Mackall, Frederick Skinner and Thomas Gray; for Balti-
more county, Meflieurs Samuel Owings, Charles Carnan, Zachariah M'Cubbin,
William M'Kubin and William Gwinn; for Talbot county, Meflieurs Thomas
Sherwood, Samuel Chamberlaine, Henry Banning, Howes Goldfborough and
Samuel Dickinfon; for Somerfet county, Meflieurs John Williams, Ezekiel
Gillifs, John Lethrbury, Francis Hutchings Waters and William Cottman, of
Wiccomico creek; for Dorchefler county, Meflieurs Jofeph Ennalls, Henry