THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
colleft the faid tax to be impofed by virtue of this law, who fhall give bond,
with approved fecurity, to the juftices aforefaid, for their faithful performance of
the faid collection; which faid collector or collectors, when fo appointed, after
giving ten days notice in the Baltimore news-papers of his or their appointment,
fhall and may proceed to colled the fame, and, if neceffary, fhall and may exe-
cute for the fame, by the way of diftrefs or otherwife, in as full and ample a man
per as the fheriff of Baltimore county can or may, by law, execute for the public
dues of the faid county; and the faid colledor or collectors fhall have the fame
reward and compenfation for his or their trouble and fervices, and be fubjed to
the fame penalties, as the fheriff of Baltimore county has or is, by law, entitled
to for the collection of public taxes; which faid money, when colleded, fhall
be paid to the treafurer appointed under the original act, and appropriated as
a fund for the regulating a night watch, and the eredion of lamps, in the faid
town, and for no other purpofe.
C H A P.
IV. And be it enacted, That the collector or collectors appointed in virtue of
this act, fhall and he or they are hereby directed to complete his or their col-
lections within twenty days after fuch publication in the Baltimore news-papers,
and, in cafe of failure, the juftices aforefaid, or the majority of them, are hereby
directed to put his or their bond or bonds in fuit, which fhall be recovered in the
fame manner as other public bonds.
V. And, whereas there are many fmall wooden houfes in the fuburbs or out
fkirts of faid town, not contiguous to or adjoining other buildings, whofe inha-
bitants will not receive any immediate advantage from faid regulation, Be it en-
Collection to
be completed,
acted, That the juftices aforefaid, or a majority of them, fhall and they are
hereby authorifed and empowered to inquire into the above circumftances, and
where any fmall wooden houfe, in the fuburbs or out-fkirts of faid town, is not
contiguous to or adjoining other buildings, they may and are hereby directed to
releafe the fame from the prefent tax.
VI. And, whereas that lot or piece of ground, called Deep Point, is built on
and lies between the limits of the faid town and the bafon thereof, and require
the fame laws and regulations as the other parts of the faid town, Be it enacted
Juftices to in-
quire, &c.
That, with the confent and approbation of the proprietor of the foil, all that
lot or piece of ground which lies between the limits of the faid town and bafon,
and is generally known by the name of Deep Point, and all wharfs, buildings or
made ground, that have been extended, erected or made, or that may be hereaf-
ter extended, erected or made, from the fame into the water or bafon thereof,
fhall be, and they are hereby declared to be, part of Baltimore-town aforefaid
to all intents and purpofes whatever, as fully and amply as if included originally
therein, and have the fame immunities and privileges as the reft of the faid town,
by any law or laws heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, ought to have, and
the commiffioners of faid town are directed to lay out the fame in ftreets, lanes
and alleys, and to have their proceedings recorded in the records of faid town.
Deep Point
to be part of
town, &c.
VII. Be it enacted, That the juftices of the criminal court aforefaid caufe to
be laid before the town comptrollers a juft and true account, under their hands
and feals, of all monies in their hands at the paffage of this act, and the expendi-
tures of all monies collected in virtue of this act, with the vouchers fubftantiating
the faid expenditures, for their examination, and the faid town comptrollers are
hereby directed and enjoined to examine the fame, and to affix to the account
their approbation or difapprobation, as the cafe may be, and caufe the fame to be
An account to
be laid before
the comptrol-
lers, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the tax impofed on dwelling-houfes, ftorehoufes
and warchoufes, by virtue of this act, fhall continue and be in force until the
thirtieth day of October next, and to the end of the next feffion of affembly
which fhall happen thereafter.
Taxes to con-
tinue till Oc-
tober 30, &c.