LAWS of M A R Y L A N D.
to be made
before firft of
XVI. And be it enacted, That none of the faid debtors, who do not make
application as aforefaid on or before the firft day of March next, fhall have any
benefit of this act.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An additional fupplement to an act, entitled, An act for the better
adminiftration of juftice in the feveral counties of this ftate.
WHEREAS doubts have arifen by many of the juftices of the peace in
charging of their fees under the act for the better adminiftration of
juftice in the feveral counties of this ftate,
Fees allowed
to juftices.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and
may be lawful for the feveral juftices of the peace, and affociate juftices, in the
feveral counties of this ftate, to afk and receive the following fees, to wit: For
taking the acknowledgment of any deed, including all the perfons, if more than
one acknowledging, each juftice one fhilling, and no more; for taking every
probate to account, including the oath, four-pence, and no more; for every af-
fidavit, fix-pence, and no more; and for granting ordinary and retailers licences,
one fhilling each, and no more; for every fuperfedeas on any judgment obtained
before a juftice of the peace, one fhilling, and no more.
Who fhall
write all pro-
bates, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That it fhall be the duty of all and every juftice of the
peace to write and prepare all probates, affidavits, fuperfedeafes, and other inftru-
ments to be executed by them in virtue of this law and the law to which this is
a fupplement, and it is hereby declared to be their duty.
IV. This act to continue and be in force as long as the original act to which
this is a fupplement.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
A Supplement to the act for the eftablifhment and regulation of a
night watch, and the erecting of lamps, in Baltimore-town.
WHEREAS the funds heretofore appropriated for the regulating of a
night watch, and the erecting of lamps, in Baltimore-town, have
been found inadequate for the fame,
Juftices to ap-
point perfons
to take an ac-
count, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the criminal court of Baltimore county, or a majority of them, fhall be and they
are hereby authorifed and directed to appoint one or more perfons to take an ac-
count and enumerate all dwelling-houfes, ftorehdufes and warehoufes, in the
faid town, noting the names of the dwellers and occupiers thereof, and the ftores
of each houfe aforefaid; and when the fame is returned to them, that they fhall
and they are hereby directed to impofe and levy the following tax, to wit: On
every three ftory dwelling-houfe, ftorehoufe or warehoufe, fifteen fhillings cur-
rent money; on every two ftory dwelling-houfe, ftorehoufe or warehoufe, ten
fhillings current money; on every one ftory dwelling-houfe, ftorehoufe or ware-
houfe, five fhillings current money; but, in cafe any three ftory houfe fhall not
be more than eighteen feet front on any ftreet, lane or alley, then and in that
cafe the faid houfe fhall be taxed at the rate of ten fhillings current money; and
in cafe any two ftory houfe fhall be above thirty feet front on any ftreet, lane or
alley, that then and in that cafe the faid houfe fhall be taxed at the rate of fifteen
fhillings current money; which faid tax fhall be impofed, levied and collected,
annually, one third thereof from the owner or owners, and two thirds from the
occupiers or tenants of fuch dwelling-houfe, ftorehoufe or warehoufe; which
faid perfon or perfons, fo appointed, fhall be allowed, by the juftices aforefaid,
five fhillings per day for every day he or they may be employed in making the
above numeration.
And to collect
the tax, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the criminal court, or a majority
of them, are hereby authorifed and directed to appoint one or more perfons to