L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
V. Provided always, That no licence fhall be granted by any fuch juftice
out of court, in virtue of this act, to any perfon or perfons to whom the
county court of the county fhall have refufed to grant a licence to retail
fpirituous liquors.
April 6.
A Supplement to the act for the relief of fundry infolvent debtors.
WHEREAS Jacob Rothrock and George Swingle, of Baltimore coun-
ty, George Bird, of Caecil county, and John M'Grann, of Caroline
county, have fet forth, by their humble petitions, that they are con-
fined in gaol for debts which they are unable to pay, and have prayed an act of
infolvency ;
Perfons to
have the be-
nefit of a for-
mer act, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Jacob
Rothrock, George Swingle, George Bird and John M'Grann, fhall have the
benefit of the act for the relief of infolvent debtors, paffed at November feffion,
one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-one, as if their names had been inferted
therein, and upon the fame conditions and reftrictions, and under and fubject to
the fame penalties for any breach of any matter or thing therein contained, as
the perfons therein named.
April 6.
An ACT to repeal part of an act, entitled, A Further fupple-
ment to the ad for eftablifhing a company for opening and
extending the navigation of the river Patowmack.
Provifo re-
BE it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the provifo at the
end of the fixth fection of the faid act, in the following words, "Pro-
vided, that no fuch application fhall be made until the main river, from
tide water, is cleared to Fort Cumberland," be and the fame is hereby repealed.
April 6.
An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts.
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of this feffion, that
there is now due from this ftate the fum of one thoufand and eighty-
feven pounds four fhillings and eight-pence current money ;
Treafurer to
pay claims,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the treafurer
of the weftern shore shall and is hereby authorifed and required to pay the
feveral perfons, their executors, adminiftrators, affigns or orders, or to fuch of
them as fhall offer to receive the fame, the feveral fums of current money allow-
ed to them refpectively, as they appear to be fettled and afcertained by the faid
journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treafury, or that fhall come
into the treafury, fubject to the appropriation of the general affembly.
RESOLUTIONS affented to April Seffion, 1792.
WHEREAS major John Davidfon, of the city of Annapolis, purchafed of this ftate a tract of land
in Frederick county, for the fum of thirteen hundred pounds, and paid a confiderable fum
into the treafury in part difcharge of the faid purchafe money: And whereas the faid John
Davidfon did, in the year 1785, file his bill in chancery, to be releafed from the faid purchafe, and to
have reftitution of the fum fo as aforefatd paid to the public; and on the hearing of the faid bill, it was
ordered and decreed by the chancellor, that in cafe the complainant did not elect to take a conveyance for
the faid land in confideration of the above payment, the complainant's bond fhould be given up and can-
celled, and that he fhould be entitled to a reftitution of the money, certificates, or other thing received
from him by the ftate on account of the faid purchafe, or the value thereof, with intereft from the time of
the faid decree: And whereas it appears that the faid John Davidfon hath elected not to take a con-
feyance of the faid land on the terms aforefaid, and it is juft and reafonable that the decree aforefaid
fhould be carried into effect; RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is here-
by authorifed and required to pay to the faid John Davidfon all money or certificates paid by the faid
John Davidfon to the ftate for or on account of the purchafe aforefaid, or the value thereof at the
time of figning the faid decree, together with an intereft of fix per cent, thereon from the time of
figning the faid decree; and that the bond of the faid John Davidfon be delivered up agreeably to the
faid decree.