THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
II. And be it enacted, That on application, in writing, by the proprietors of
lots in Rogers's Addition to Baltimore-town, to the fpecial commiffioners of the
faid town, for permiffion to enclofe the faid lots, or any part thereof, that there-
upon the laid commiffioners fhall view the Addition, and grant, under hand and
feal, permiffion to enclofe the faid lots, including fuch ftreets, lanes and alleys,
as they fhall think proper, referving, neverthelefs, a thoroughfare through the
faid Addition, by directing fuch ftreet or ftreets in the faid Addition to be left
open, fo as to correfpond with other ftreets leading into the country and improved
parts of Baltimore-town, as, in their judgment, may appear neceffary.
On applica-
tion, lots may
be enclofed,
III. And be it further enacted, That on any application of any proprietor or
proprietors of the faid lots to the faid ftreet commiffioners to remove the fences
made as aforefaid, or fuch part of the fame as he or they may ftate to be con-
ducive to the intereft of the faid Addition, that thereupon they fhall grant their
affent, in writing, and record the fame, with the application; provided never-
thelefs, that it fhall have appeared to the faid commiffioners that the faid removal
may be conducive to the intereft of the faid Addition; and thereupon the appli-
cants, or either of them, may remove the obftructions granted to be removed;
provided always, that previous notice fhall be given to the party concerned, that
she or they may have an opportunity to remove the fame.
And fences
removed, &c.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for the fur-
ther encouragement and eftablifhment of Wafhington college,
and to an ad, entitled, An act for founding a college on the
weftern fhore of this ftate, and conftituting the fame, together
with Wafhington college, on the eaftern fhore, into one uni-
verfity, by the name of the Univerfity of Maryland, paffed
November feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-four.
April 6.
WHEREAS there may be a neceffity for granting licences to retailers
of fpirituous liquors between the fitting of the feveral county courts
of this ftate, and there is no provifion for granting licences in fuch
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That during the
continuance of the original acts to which this is a fupplement, it fhall be lawful
for the chief juftice, or either of the affociate juftices, of any county court in
this ftate, to grant licences to fuch perfons as they fhall think fit to be retailers
of fpirituous liquors, within the counties where fuch chief juftice, or affociate
juftices, refpectively refide; which licences fhall continue in force until the end
of the next county court after the fame fhall be granted, and for the taking of
which the retailers as aforefaid fhall pay in proportion to the time between their
taking thereof and the end of the next court aforefaid.
Chief juftice,
&c. may
grant licences,
III. And be it enacted, That every perfon who fhall apply for a licence under
this act, fhall enter into a recognizance, before the juftice who fhall grant the
faid licence, with fecurity, in the fame fum, and in the fame manner and on the
fame conditions, and fhall be fubject to the fame regulations, orders, forfeitures
and penalties, to be recovered in the fame manner, as are prefcribed by the faid
original acts with refpect to retailers of fpirituous liquors licenfed under the
Perfons ap-
plying to en-
ter into re-
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid juftices fhall make return of all recog-
nizances by them taken in virtue of this act, with the fum of money received
for the licence thereon endorfed, to the county court of the county where the
fame fhall be taken, and fhall pay all money, fo received by them, to the clerk
of the faid court, at or before the next fitting of the faid court after the granting
of the faid licence,
Juftices to
make return,