RESOLUTIONS affented to.
UPON the fecond reading of the report of the committee on the petition of Lazarus Harman,
RESOLVED That the governor of Maryland, for the time being, be and he is hereby authorifed
and empowered to grant unto the faid Lazarus Harman, in future, half of the monthly pay which he
the faid Harman received in the continental fervice, by orders drawn quarterly on the trsatury of the
eaftern fhore for the fame, and that the fame be charged to the United States.
WHEREAS it appears to the general aflembly that John Morris, of Saint-Mary's county, late a
foldier in the third Maryland regiment, in the fervice of the United States, is difabled, from wounds
received at the battle of the Cow-Pens, and is thereby incapable of getting a livelihood; therefore,
RESOLVED, That his excellency the governor of Maryland, for the time being, be and he is hereby
authorifed and empowered to grant unto the faid John Morris, in future, half of the monthly pay
which he the faid Morris received in the continental fervice, by orders drawn quarterly on the
treafurer of the weftern fhore for the fame, and that the fame be charged to the United States.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general aflembly, by the petition of Richard Barnes, of Saint-
Mary's county, that on the fecond day of June, feventeen hundred and eighty-one, he paid to the
treafurer of the weftern fhore the fum of one hundred and fifty pounds, on account of Hanbury and
Lloyd, merchants, London, purfuant to an act of affembly of October feffion, feventeen hundred and
eighty; that he has fince that time fettled all accounts with the faid Hanbury and Lloyd; and praying
a return of the money paid into the treafury as aforefaid; and the faid facts appearing to this general
affembly to be true, RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay unto Richard Barnes
the aforefaid fum of one hundred and fifty pounds, being the fame money heretofore depofited in the
treafury as aforefaid.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorifed and are hereby required to appoint
fome perfon to collect all fums of money and tobacco which did belong to Robert Chriftie, late
fheriff of Baltimore county, and were forfeited to this ftate, except the public and county dues,
to be applied, in the firft place, to the payment of a debt due from the faid Chriftie to the ftate of
Maryland, and fo much of the remainder as may be neceffary, to be applied towards payment of the
debts due from the faid Chriftie to the counties of Baltimore and Harford, and any perfon or per-
fons whatever, at the time of his attainder; and that the faid perfon, before he begins to collect, fhall
give bond, with fufficient fecurity, for the faithful difcharge of his duty in collecting the fame; which
faid bond fhall be lodged in the treafury of the weftern fhore; and that the governor and council
allow faid perfon a commiffion not exceeding ten per cent, for collection.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requefted to forward, without delay, the refolution
in favour of Lazarus Harman, and all fimilar refolutions, with the vouchers upon which they are
refpectively founded, to the repretentatives of this ftate in the congrefs of the United States, in order,
that they may ufe their endeavours to obtain an act of congrefs making provision for the payment of
the penfions by the United States.
A LIST of the LAWS paffed laft SESSION.
A Supplement to the aft, entitled, An act to eftablifh a bank in Baltimore-town.
An ACT to authorife the juftices of Dorchefter county to affefs and levy a fum of
money on the inhabitants of faid county for the purpofe therein mentioned.
An ACT continuing in force certain acts and refolutions of the general affembly for the time
therein mentioned.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of Worcefter county court.
An additional fupplement to the act, entitled, An act directing the time, places and manner,
of holding elections for reprefentatives of this ftate in the congrefs of the United States,
and for appointing electors on the part of this ftate for choofing a prefident and vice-prefident
of the United States, and for the regulation of the faid elections, and alfo to repeal the act of
affembly therein mentioned.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act fupplementary to an act, entitled, An act for the
more effectual paving the ftreets of Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, and for other
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for the further encouragement and efta-
blifhment of Washington college, and to an act, entitled, An act for founding a college on
the weftern fhore of this ftate, and conftituting the fame, together with Wafhington college
on the eaftcrn fhore, into one univerfity, by the name of the Univerfity of Maryland, paffed
November feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-four.
A Supplement to the act for the relief of fundry infolvent debtors.
An ACT to repeal part of an aft, entitled, A Further fupplement to the act for eftablifhing
t company for opening and extending the navigation of the river Patowmack.
An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts.