Pot and pearl-
afh to be in-
fpected, &c.
III. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforefaid, That from and after
the enacting hereof, no perfon or perfons whatever fhall fhip, or caufe to be
fhipped, any pot or pearlafh for exportation out of Baltimore and George towns,
before he or they fhall fubmit the fame to the examination of the infpector of the
port, or his deputy, from whence the fame fhall be fhipped, or intended to be
fhipped and the faid infpector, or his deputy, fhall caufe all pot and pearlafh,
fubmitted to his examination, to be ftarted out of the cafk, and fhall carefully
infpect and try the fame, and if fit for exportation, fhall fort it according to its
quality into three forts, and fhall pack, or caufe to be packed, each fort in fepa-
rate tight cafks, well hooped and coopered, the tare of which fhall be previoufly
marked by fuch infpector, or his deputy, on the head of each cafk, and fhall al-
fo mark thereon, with a branding iron, the name of the part from whence
fhipped, with the words Potafh, and Firft, Second, or Third Sort, as the cafe
may be.
Allowance to
IV. Be it further enacted, That the faid infpectors, or their deputies, refpec-
tively, fhall be entitled to receive of the poffeffor of fuch pot or pearlafh, as a
full compenfation for his fervices in examining, forting and repacking the fame,
coopering, weighing and marking the cafks, and delivering a note, by him figned,
of the grofs, tare and neat, of each cafk, and their refpective qualities, the fum
of nine-pence for every hundred weight fo infpected, to be paid by the perfon
felling the fame; provided, that the expence of additional cooperage, or of new
cafks, when neceffary in the opinion of the infpector, or his deputy, fhall be paid
by the pofleflbr of the pot or pearlafh, and that fuch pofleflbr fhall be at liberty
to employ any other perfon for that purpofe.
In cafe of dif-
pute, a war-
rant to be if-
fued, &c.
V. Be it further enacted, That if any difpute fhall arife between fuch infpectors,
or their deputies, and the poffeffor of any pot or pearlafh, concerning the quality,
infpection, or package thereof, upon application to any magiftrate of the city or
county where the cafe may happen, fuch magiftrate fhall iffue his warrant to three
indifferent perfons to view and examine the fame, and make report thereof, and
the faid magiftrate is hereby empowered and required to give judgment agreeably
to the report of the faid viewers, or any two of them; and the faid infpectors,
or their deputies, fhall thereupon proceed to repack the fame if judged fit for ex-
portation, and mark the cafks according to the directions of fuch viewers, and
for his fervices therein fhall have the fame fees as is herein before directed; and if
judgment fhall be given upon fuch report in favour of the faid infpectors, or their
deputies, the faid magiftrate fhall moreover award the fum of three-pence for
each hundred weight of the faid pot or pearlafh, with cofts, to be paid by the
pofleflbr thereof, but if fuch judgment fhall be given againft fuch infpector, or
his deputy, the cofts, and all reafonable charges, fhall be awarded to be paid by
fuch infpector, or his deputy, as the cafe may be.
Penalty on
fhipping pot-
afh, &c. not
infpected, &c.
VI. And be it further enacted, That any perfon or perfons whatever, who
fhall knowingly fhip, or caufe to be fhipped, or who fhall receive on board any
fhip or veffel, for exportation out of this ftate, any pot or pearlafh not infpected,
marked and branded, in manner before directed, or the marks and brands whereof
fhall have been altered and counterfeited, or which fhall have been condemned as
unfit for exportation, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of twenty-five pounds for
every fuch offence; and that any perfon or perfons who fhall mark or brand any
cafk or other veflel containing, or intended to contain, pot or pearlafh, or fhall
alter or efface any mark or brands made or impreffed by fuch infpector, or his
deputy, with defign to evade the intent and meaning of this act, fhall forfeit and
pay the fum of fifty pounds for every fuch offence, and fhall alfo fuffer imprifon-
ment, without bail or mainprife, for the term of three months, and until fuch
fine and the cofts of profecution fhall be paid.
Infpector may
enter on board
any fhip, &c.
VII. Be it further enacted, That each infpector, or his deputy, fhall have
full power and authority, By virtue of this act, to enter on board any fhip or
veffel fufpected to have received pot or pearlafh for exportation contrary to the
provifions of this act, in order to fearch for and examine the fame; and any per-