THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
or thing in difpute, fhall exceed the value of thirty pounds current money, or
three thcufand pounds of tobacco, to appeal to the chancery court, (whofe deci-
fion thereon fhall be final,) in the fame manner, and under the fame circum-
ftances, and fuch appeals fhall have the fame legal effects and confequences, as
appeals profecuted from the court of chancery to the high court of appeals.
C H A P.
V. And be it enacted, That this act fhall have the fame continuance with the
act to which it is a fupplement.
An ACT to provide for the filling the vacancy in the houfe of
reprefentatives of the congrefs of the United States occafioned
by the refignation of Jofhua Seney, Efquire.
WHEREAS it is doubted whether there is any law in existence, under
which the governor and council can iffue a writ of eledion to fill the
vacancy in the reprefentation of this ftate in the houfe of reprefenta-
tives of the congrefs of the United States occafioned by the refignation of Jofhua
Seney, Efquire ;
Paffed De-
cember 23.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in order to fill
the faid vacancy, the governor and council fhall proceed according to the provi-
fions of an act paffed at November feffion, in the year feventeen hundred and
ninety, entitled, An act directing the time, places and manner, of holding elec-
tions for reprefentatives of this ftate in the congrefs of the United States, and for
appointing eledors on the part of this ftate for choofing a prefident and vice-pre-
fident of the United States, and for the regulation of the faid eledions, and alfo
to repeal the act of affembly therein mentioned; and that fo far as relates to the
eledion to be held for filling the faid vacancy, the act of affembly above men-
tioned, and every part thereof, fhall be in full force and virtue.
Governor, &c.
to proceed ac-
cording to a
former act,
An ACT to regulate the exportation of potafh and pearlafh.
WHEREAS potafh and pearlafh are likely to become conliderable arti-
cles of exportation from this ftate, and inconveniences may arife from
a want of their being infpected; therefore,
Paffed De-
cember 23.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the commiffi-
oners for the town of Baltimore, and the mayor, recorder and aldermen, of
George-town, fhall be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered to appoint
fkilful and difcreet perfons to be infpectors of pot and pearlafh, whole powers and
duties fhall be as they are herein after defcribed; and the infpedors, fo to be ap-
pointed, fhall be and are hereby empowered to appoint a fuitable number of de-
puties under them; and the faid infpectors, and every of their deputies, previ-
oufly to entering on the execution of their refpedive offices, fhall take an oath,
or affirmation, before a magiftrate, faithfully and impartially to perform their
trufts and duties to the beft of their fkill and understandings, according to the
diredions of this act; and in cafe of death, misbehaviour in office, or inability, it
fhall be lawful for the faid commiffioners of Baltimore-town, and the mayor, re-
corder and aldermen, of George-town, to appoint other infpedors from time to
time as the cafe fhall require, and none of the faid infpedors, or their deputies,
during their continuance in office, fhall diredly or indirectly vend, barter or trade,
in pot or pearlafh, under the penalty of one hundred pounds, to be recovered by
adion of debt, by any perfon who will fue for the fame, the one moiety thereof
to the ufe of the perfon fuing, and the other moiety thereof to be paid to the
ftreet or fpecial commiffioners of Baltimore-town, or the mayor, recorder and
aldermen, of George-town, as the cafe may be, for the ufe or improvement of
the faid towns refpectively; and every infpedor, or deputy infpedor, being fo
thereof convided, fhall thenceforth be difabled from holding their refpedive
ers, &c. to ap-
point infpec-
tors, &c.