THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
fon or perfons whatever, who fhall obftruct or refift the faid infpector, or his depu-
ty, therein, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of twenty pounds for every fuch offence.
C H A P.
VIII. And be it enacted, That all pot and pearlafh which fhall be fhipped for
exportation out of this ftate, or which fhall be brought to any quay, wharf or
other place, in order to be fhipped for fuch exportation, contrary to the true in-
tent and meaning of this ad, fhall be forfeited, and may be feized by the in-
fpectors, or their deputies, who, after condemnation thereof in the county court
of Baltimore county, or of Montgomery county, as the cafe may require, fhall
caufe the fame to be publicly fold, and one moiety of the money arifing there-
from, after deducting the cofts and charges, fhall be paid to the ftreet or fpecial
commiffioners of Baltimore-town, or mayor, recorder and aldermen, of George-
town, in which fuch feizure and condemnation fhall take place, for the ufe of the
towns refpectively, and the other moiety thereof to the infpector, or his deputy,
who fhall feize and profecute the fame to judgment.
Potafh, &c.
in certain
cafes, to be
forfeited, &c.
IX. And be it enacted, That the infpector fhall provide a proper and fufficient
warehoufe, convenient to navigation, for the purpofe of receiving and infpecting,
with fcales and weights; and that every perfon offering their pot and pearlafh for
infpection, fhall deliver the fame at faid warehoufe, and fhall pay faid infpector
fix-pence per barrel for receiving, ftoring and delivering, but fhould the fame
remain more than one month in the warehoufe, then the perfon who fhall receive
the fame fhall pay four-pence per barrel for every month it fhall remain longer
A warehoufe
to be pro-
vided, &c.
X. Be it further enacted, That the fees given, and the fines inflicted, by
virtue of this act, fhall be recovered in the fame manner as debts of like value
are recovered by the laws of this ftate, and all the faid fines, except fuch as may
be incurred by the inipector, or his deputies, fhall be diftributed in the manner
herein before directed with regard to me articles forfeited.
How fees, &c.
are to be re-
covered, &c.
An ACT for the collection of the county charges in Allegany
Paffed De-
cember 22.
WHEREAS, from the large tracts of Uncultivated lands in Allegany
county, the ufual method to colled: the county charges in the feveral
counties of this ftate is not fufficient to compel the payment of the
charges in faid county ;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the collector
of the county charges in Allegany county, and his deputies, fhall, immediately
after the firft day of September next, colled the whole of the county charges of
faid county impofed by an act, entitled, An act to authorife the county courts to
impofe an affeffment to defray their county charges, by diftrefs and fale of any
goods or chattels within faid county, the property of any perfon charged there-
with, of which fale five days notice, excluding the day of notice and fale, fhall
be given, and by diftrefs and fale of any goods and chattels found on any land
chargeable with the faid county charges, of which the fame notice fhall be given ;
which faid fales fhall be for current money; and if no effects can be found on
the faid land, the fame fhall be chargeable with the county charges which may
be unpaid, with fix per cent, intereft thereon from the refpedive dates on which
the fame fhould have been paid, in the poffeffion of any perfon or perfons, and
any goods, at any time found on the premifes, fhall be liable to diftrefs and fale
for payment thereof.
How county
charges are to
be collected,
III. And be it enacted, That if it fhall appear to any collector, that any per-
fon or perfons, whofe property fhall be charged in faid county, fhall not refide
therein, it is hereby declared to be the duty of fuch collector to make diligent
inquiry where fuch perfon fhall live, and he fhall, if known, under the penalty
of ten pounds current money, tranfmit to the collecter of the tax of the county
In certain
cafes a copy
to be tranf-
mitted, &c.