be fo employed by them, may freely, and at the will and pleafure of the faid
Johnfons and Clapham, or any or either of them, from time to time, be removed
and brought from the iron-works of them the faid Johnfons and Clapham in
Virginia, into this ftate, and be employed in their fervice, or the ferviee of any
or either of them, in or about any labour or bufinefs for or concerning, either of
the faid iron -works, and that no flave fhall thereby become free, or any penalty
be incurred, any thing in any law to the contrary notwithftanding: Provided ne-
verthelefs, that no flave who is now a refident of Virginia, and who may be re-
moved in virtue of this act for the purpofes aforefaid, fhall be fold within this
ftate, unlefs by fart facias, and if any fuch flave fhall be fold, unlefs by fieri
facias, fhall thereupon immediately ceafe to be a flave, and fhall be free.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT to prevent the fetting on fire the Catodin, South, and
North mountains.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general aflembly, by the petition of
fundry inhabitants of Frederick county, that that part of the Catoc-
tin mountain lying in the faid county, is frequently fet on fire, where-
by the growth of young timber is much injured, and the farms fituate on and
adjacent to the faid mountain greatly endangered, and praying that a law might
pafs, prohibiting any perfon or perfons from fetting the faid mountain on fire, and
the prayer of faid petition being reafonable: And whereas it appears to this gene-
ral aflembly that the growth of young timber, and the farms fituate on and adja-
cent to the South mountain, lying part in Frederick county and part in Wafh-
ington county, and the North mountain, lying in Wafhington county, and all
mountains weft of the faid North mountain, lying in the county laft aforefaid,
are equally injured and endangered; therefore,
Penalty for
fetting moun-
tains on fire,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any perfon
or perfons fhall fet the faid mountains, or either of them, or any part of them,
on fire, fo that the faid fire injures the growth of the faid young timber, or en-
dangers the farms fituate on or adjacent to the faid mountains, or either of them,
or any part of them, fuch perfon or perfons fhall forfeit and pay a fum not ex-
ceeding fifty pounds current money, to be recovered in the county court of Fre-
derick or Wafhington county as the cafe may be, by bill of indictment or action
of debt, one half thereof to the perfon or perfons who fhall profecute for the
fame, the other half to the ufe of the county, as the cafe may be; provided al-
ways, that nothing therein contained fhall be conftrued to extend to any perfon or
perfons fetting fire to their own lands on faid mountain, or either of them, or any
part of them, provided the faid fire is not communicated therefrom.
C H A P. L.
Paffed De-
ember 22.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to empower Sarah Bu-
chanan, executrix of Archibald Buchanan, deceafed, Alexander
Cowan, Thomas Sim Lee, Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer and
Benjamin Nicholfon, to fell and difpofe of certain lands for the
purpofes herein after mentioned.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general aflembly, that the truftees
in the faid act mentioned took upon themfelves the truft by the faid
act repofed in them, and according to the directions of the faid ad,
did make fale of the lands therein mentioned, but, in confequence of the whole
purchafe money not having been yet paid, no deeds have been executed to the
purchafer or purchafers, and that all the truftees in the faid act mentioned are
fince dead, except his excellency Thomas Sim Lee, Efquire, and the aforemen-
tioned Sarah Buchanan, who hath fince intermarried with a certain Robert
Turnbull, of the commonwealth of Virginia; and it being requifite, that when
the purchafe money is paid, fome perfon fhould be authorifed and empowered to
execute deeds for the faid lands,