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Session Laws, 1792
Volume 644, Page 43   View pdf image
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THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.


or the major part of them, fhall fee caufe, and fhall and may nominate and ap-
point another fit perfon to fuch office during the refidue of the year, who fhall
have power to execute the fame office according to the directions of this act on
his taking the faid oath of office.

C H A P.

XVI. And be it enacted, That before any of the faid officers fhall enter upon
the execution of their refpective offices, they fhall take the feveral oaths to go-
vernment appointed by law.

Officers to
take the oaths,


XVII. And be it enacted, That all and every the penalties and forfeitures in
and by this act fet and appointed, fhall be recovered before a fingle magiftrate as
in cafe of fmall debts, in the name of the mayor, recorder and aldermen, of the
town, and by them laid out and expended in mending the public ftreets in the
faid town.

How penal-
ties are to be
recovered, &c.

XVIII. This act to continue and be in force for and during the term of feven



An ACT to enable Thomas Handy Gillis, of Somerfet county,
to convey part of a tract of land therein mentioned.

WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
Thomas Handy Gillis and Elizabeth Gillis, that captain Jofeph
Gillis, in his lifetime, fold and delivered poffeffion of part of a tract
of land called White Chapel, lying in Somerfet county, but that no deed of
conveyance, or bond for conveyance thereof, paffed from the faid Jofeph Gillis
to the faid Eleanor Handy, now Eleanor Wilfon: And whereas it is alfo repre-
fented to this general affembly, that only two of the reprefentatives of the faid
Jofeph Gillis are of age, and confequently no conveyance can be made until their
arrival at age, and it appears that it would be for the benefit of the minors that a
conveyance fhould be made therefore,

Paffed De-
cember 22.


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Tho-
mas Handy Gillis be and he is hereby authorised and directed to make a deed or
deeds of conveyance, in fee-fimple, to the faid Eleanor Wilfon, for that part of
White Chapel fold by Jofeph Gillis, in his lifetime, to Eleanor Handy, now
Eleanor Wilfon; which faid deed or deeds, when executed and recorded in due
form of law, fhall be of equal validity as if executed by the faid Jofeph Gillis
in his lifetime.


T. H. Gillis
to make a
deed, &c.

An ACT in favour of Thomas, James, Baker, and Roger John-

fon, and Jofias Clapham.
WHEREAS the faid Thomas, James, Baker and Roger, have, by their
petition to this general aflembly, fet forth, that they have built, and
now work, two iron furnaces and two iron forges in Frederick coun-
ty, in Maryland, and that one of the furnaces is near Patowmack river, where
they ufe in part ore from Virginia; and that they the faid Johnfons, together
with Jofias Clapham, have jointly engaged in a fcheme of erecting an iron fur-
nace on Catoctin creek, on the fide of Patowmack river in Virginia, where fome
of their negroes long ufed about iron-works might, for a time, be particularly
ufeful and have prayed that a law might pafs, authorifing and empowering them
to remove any flave or flaves employed, or who may hereafter be employed, at
their iron-works in Virginia, to any of their faid iron-works in this ftate, from
time to time at their pleafure; and this general aflembly thinking the prayer of
the faid petition reasonable, therefore,

Paffed De-
cember 22.


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That any male flave
or flaves who may be employed at, or in the labour of or concerning, the iron-
works of them the faid Johnfons and Clapham in Virginia, or who may hereafter

Slaves may be
removed, &c.

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Session Laws, 1792
Volume 644, Page 43   View pdf image
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