Infpector al-
lowed ftorage
IX. And be it enacted, That every infpector fhall be allowed one penny cur-
rent money per barrel for ftorage, if ftored, and if, upon an appeal and review as
aforefaid, the judgment of the infpector fhall be confirmed, the perfon appealing
fhall pay the expence of fuch ftorage, and fhall alfo pay the fame if an appeal
fhall not be profecuted, and if the judgment of the faid infpector fhall be reverfed,
then the faid infpector fhall forfeit his charge and expence of the faid ftorage.
And for cad
barrel review
ed, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That the faid infpector of falted provifions, for his
trouble, fhall and may receive the fum of two-pence current money for each bar-
rel by him reviewed.
Certain cafks
not to be ex-
ported, &c.
XI. And be it enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any perfon whatfoever
to export, fhip, or lade on board of any fhip or veffel for exportation out of this
ftate, any of the cafks or barrels of the faid falted provifions fo marked with a
broad arrow as aforefaid, or to fell, export, fhip, or lade on board of any fhip or
veffel for exportation, any of the cafks or barrels of the falted provifions not ex-
amined and branded as aforefaid, from out of Patowmack river, on pain of for-
feiture of fifty fhillings current money for each and every barrel fo exported, or
laden on board of any fhip or other veffel for exportation.
Infpeftor to
take an oath.
XII. And be it enacted, That every infpeftor of falted provifions, who fhall be
nominated as aforefaid, fhall, on his appointment, and before his executing the
faid office, make oath or affirmation, as the cafe may be, before a juftice of
peace, that without fear, favour, affection, malice, partiality, or refpect of per-
fons, he will diligently and carefully view, examine and infpect, all falted beef,
pork or fifh, brought to the faid town of George-town, and which he fhall be
called upon to view, examine and infpect, to the beft of his fkill and know-
ledge, and that no falted provifions fhall be paffed or branded by him without
his viewing and examining the fame that he will not brand, or caufe to be
branded, any cafk or cafks of falted provifions that do not appear, to the beft
of his fkill and knowledge, to be in all refpects fufficiently clean, fweet and
merchantable, and that he will pafs and brand all fuch cafk or cafks of falted
provifions as fhall appear to him fufficiently clean, fweet and merchantable, to
the beft of his fkill and knowledge, and according to the directions of this act;
and that he will not wittingly or willingly charge, afk, take, receive, exactor
demand, any other fees or rates for doing his duty in his office as infpector of
falted provifions, than are mentioned and directed by this act; and that he will
carefully and diligently view and examine all cafks in which fuch falted provi-
fions fhall be brought and contained, and that he will not pafs or brand any cafk
or cafks of falted provifions, unlefs fuch cafk or cafks be of fuch fize, goodnefs
and thicknefs, as by this act is required.
And not al-
lowed to pur
chafe, &c.
XIII. And be it enacted, That no infpector of falted provifions fhall purchafe,
directly or indirectly, any lalted beef, pork or fifh, by him condemned as aforefaid,
or any falted provifions whatfoever, other than for his own family ufe, under the
penalty of forty fhillings current money for each barrel by him purchafed.
Penalty on al-
tering the
mark, &c.
XIV. And fee it enacted, That if any perfon fhall alter the mark ftamped on
any barrel of falted provifions by any infpector, or fhall mark or brand any barrel
of falted provifions, which hath not been infpected, with any mark or brand
fimilar to, or in imitation of, the infpectors faid mark or brand, or after the faid
infpector fhall have paffed any barrel of falted provifions as merchantable, fhall
pack into the cafk which contains the fame any other falted provifions, or after
any barrel of falted provifions fhall be branded with a broad arrow, fhall unpack
and repack the fame into other calks or packages for exportation out of this ftate,
or for fale, fuch perfon fhall forfeit and pay the fum of five pounds current
money for every barrel.
Infpector may
be difplaced.
XV. And be it enacted, That the faid mayor, recorder and aldermen, or the
majority of them, fhall be and they are hereby empowered at any time to difplace
or remove the faid officer from his office, if the faid mayor, recorder and aldermen,