L A W S of M A R Y L A N D,
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT to extend the time for the late fheriff of Montgomery
county to complete his collection.
B. Jones to re-
ceive and col-
lect, &c.
BE it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may
be lawful for Benjamin White Jones, late fheriff of Montgomery county,
to receive and colled, by execution or otherwife, at any time before the
firft day of Auguft next, all balances due for public taxes and officers fees which
he has been appointed to collect during the time of his fheriffalty, in as full and
ample manner as he might or could have done whilft he was fheriff and collec-
tor, any law to the contrary notwithftanding.
Penalty on his
more than is
due, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if the faid Ben-
jamin White Jones, or his deputies, fhall, by diftrefs or otherwife, collect and
receive, as for public dues or officers fees, more than the fum bona fide due, up-
on complaint of the perfon aggrieved the commiffioners of the tax for Montgo-
mery county, or a majority of them, fhall and they are hereby empowered, upon
complaint of the party fo aggrieved, to hear and adjuft the fame, and if it fhall
appear to the faid commiffioners of the tax, or a majority of them, that more
hath been received than was due, then and in that cafe the faid commiffioners,
or a majority of them, fhall and they are hereby directed and empowered, to or-
der the faid Benjamin White Jones to pay double the fum received and not due,
with the coft arifing on the diftrefs, and the expence of the faid commiffioners for
their meeting and adjufting the fame; but if it fhall appear to the faid commif-
fioners, or a majority of them, that fuch receipt was merely through miftake,
then fhall the faid commiffioners order the excefs only to be refunded, with cofts
and expences as aforefaid; and the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, may
carry fuch order into effect by their warrant to the fheriff or coroner, as the cafe
may be, of their county, to levy the fame by fieri facias, or to take the body of
the faid Benjamin White Jones in execution, as on a capias ad fatisfaciendum, in
fatisfadion thereof; and if complaint fhall be made without juft caufe, the party
complaining fhall pay the cofts and expences arifing on fuch complaint.
On execution
of property,
perfons may
apply to any
III. And be it enacted, That on any property feeing executed by the faid Ben-
jamin White Jones, for or under colour of any public dues or officers fees, if the
perfon, whofe property hath been or fhall be fo executed, will apply to any com-
miffioner of the tax in Montgomery county, alleging, that the whole fum, or
any part thereof, for which fuch execution fhall have been made, is not due for
public dues or officers fees, fuch commiffioner may, by writing, Order that the
fale of the goods fhall be fufpended for any time not exceeding ten days, and ap-
point a day and place for the faid Benjamin White Jones to make appear his
claim before the commiffioners of the tax for faid county, and the faid commiffi-
oners may and fhall adjudge and determine the fum due for which execution may
rightfully be made, beyond which no fale fhall be made of the goods in fuch
cafe; and the commiffioners may, in cafe the diftrefs fhall appear to them excef-
five, order fuch part of the goods as they may think proper and juft, to be im-
mediately releafed, and may order either party to pay the cofts and the expences
of the commiffioners fitting, as juftice may require, and may enforce a compli-
ance with their order by procefs as aforefaid,
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT for dividing All-Saints parifh, in Montgomery, Frede-
rick, Wafhington, and Allegany counties, and for creeling a
parifh out of the fame, called by the name of Saint-Peter's
A new parifh
created, &c.
Be it enacted, That from and after the firft day of November next, all that
part of All-Saints parifh, beginning at the mouth of Great Seneca, and
running by and with faid run to the main road leading from Montgomery
court-houfe, by Bafil Robert's, to Frederick-town, then with faid road to the
ferry on Monocacy, formerly known by the name of Kennedy's Ferry, thence