THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
An ACT to enable George William Weft, of Baltimore county,
to fell and difpofe of the real eftate of the late reverend William
Weft, and for other purpofes therein mentioned.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
WHEREAS the faid George William Weft, by his petition to this general
affembly, hath fet forth, that the faid William Weft, at the time of
his death, was, together with Daniel Bowley and Richard Ridgely,
Efquires, feized, in fee-fimple, of a very confiderable real eftate in Baltimore,
Anne-Arundel, and Harford counties, as tenants in common, devifed to them by
the laft will and teftament of Thomas Harrifon, deceafed; that the faid William
Weft, by his laft will and teftament, gave and devifed fuch proportion of the eftate
of the faid Thomas Harrifon, deceafed, to his daughters Margaret Weft and
Sybill Weft, as certain perfons therein mentioned named fhould think, in con-
fcience, he ought to retain out of the faid eftate as executor and devifee thereof;
that after the faid fhare fhould be fo deducted, and the lands belonging to the faid
Thomas Harrifon fhould be fold, then he bequeathed the amount thereof to be
applied to certain ufes therein mentioned; that the faid Margaret and Sybill Weft
are minors, and, by reafon thereof, no fales can be made, and that the faid eftate
will be confiderably injured, and the trufts of the faid will cannot be complied
with, unlefs through the interpofition of the legiflature; and that feveral fales of
part of the real eftate of the faid Thomas Harrifon, deceafed, were made by his
devifees in the lifetime of the faid William Weft, but conveyances were never
executed; and hath prayed that an act may pals, enabling him to fell and difpofe
of the faid eftate, and to execute conveyances for the land fold as aforefaid in the
lifetime of the faid William Weft; and the facts ftated in the faid petition ap-
pearing to this general affembly to be true,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid George
William Weft fhall be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to fell and
difpofe of all the real eftate whereof the faid William Weft, deceafed, was, at
the time of his death, feized and poffeffed, as tenant in common with the faid
Daniel Bowley and Richard Ridgely, as devifees of the late Thomas Harrifon,
upon fuch terms and conditions as will be moft beneficial for the faid eftate, and
upon receipt of the purchafe money, to execute conveyances for fuch eftates as
the faid William Weft, at the time of his death, had and was entitled to
G. W. Weft
authorifed to
fell, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid George William Weft, before any fale
fhall be made in virtue of this act, fhall enter into bond to the ftate of Maryland,
in fuch fum, and with fuch fecurity, as fhall be required by the orphans court of
Baltimore county, conditioned, that the faid George William Weft fhall and will
faithfully and honeftly fell and difpofe of the real eftate whereof the faid William
Weft, deceafed, was, at the time of his death, together with Daniel Bowley and
Richard Ridgely, feized and poffeffed, as devifees of the late Thomas Harrifon,
deceafed, and that he the faid George William Weft fhall, without fraud or delay,
apply the amount thereof to the ufes and purpofes directed and appointed by the
laft will and teftament of the faid William Weft, deceafed, and to obferve and
comply with the directions of this act.
To enter into
bond, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That in all cafes of fales of the real eftates of the faid
Thomas Harrifon, deceafed, by his devifees, in the lifetime of the faid William
Weft, where the terms of the purchafe have been complied with by the pur-
chafers, or their reprefentatives or affigns, the faid George William Weft fhall
and may, and he is hereby authorifed arid empowered, to execute conveyances for
the land fo fold to the purchafer or purchafers thereof, or their reprefentatives or
affigns, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purpofes whatfoever, as the
faid William Weft, deceafed, might or could have done in his lifetime.
And execute