fine laid, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That an additional fine be and is hereby laid and im-
pofed on all chimnies catching fire within the faid town, of three pounds if a
three ftory houfe, of menty fhillings if a two ftory houfe, and of fifteen fhillings
if a houfe of one ftory; which faid fine is hereby directed to be levied and reco-
vered in the manner directed for the recovery of other fines, and to be applied to
the like ufes.
Chimnies lefs
than 14 inches
wide deemed
nuifances, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That if any perfon or perfons whatfoever fhall hereafter
erect or build any chimney within the limits of Baltimore-town, of lefs width
than fourteen inches fquare throughout the funnel, the fame fhall be, and is
hereby declared to be, a common nuifance; and if the perfon or perfons by or
for whom the fame fhall have been built or erected, fhall not pull down and de-
ftroy the fame within three months after requeft by the faid fpecial commiffioners,
or fome one of them, and fhall be thereof convicted by a prefentment of the
grand inqueft of Baltimore county, he or they fhall be fined, at the difcretion of
the juftices of the criminal court of the faid county; in a fum not exceeding fifty
pounds current money.
Act to be pub-
VII. And be it enacted, That it fhall be the duty of the faid fpecial commif-
fioners to caufe this act to be publifhed three weeks fucceffively, in the month of
April in each year, in fome one of the news-papers of the faid town.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT to confirm an act to prohibit members of congrefs, or
perfons in office under the United States, from being eligible as
members of the legislature or council, or holding offices in this
An act con-
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That an aft, paffed
at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, An act
to prohibit members of congrefs, or perfons in office under the United
States, from being eligible as members of the legislature of council, of holding
offices in this ftate, fhall be and is hereby confirmed
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT to empower Jacob Green, of Prince-George's county,
to fell and difpofe of the perfonal property of Philip Green and
Jacob Green, junior.
WHEREAS Jacob Green, of Prince-George's county, by his petition
to this general affembly has fet forth, that he has been appointed
guardian by the orphans court of Prince-George's county, to Philip
Green and Jacob Green, junior, the fons of Elifha Green, the brother of the
faid Jacob, the petitioner, which faid Philip and Jacob are minors, and are pof-
feffed of certain property, to wit, negroes, flock, and other perfonal property,
and have no real eftate on which to work and employ the fame, and he has
therefore prayed that he may be empowered to fell the faid perfonal property for
the benefit of the faid Philip and Jacob and it appearing to this general affem-
bly that it would be greatly conducive to the intereft of the faid minors to fell
the property aforefaid, therefore,
J. Green an-
thorifed to
fell, &c.
II. 1Be it enacted, by the General Affembly, That Jacob Green, the peti-
tioner,be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to fell the perfonal
property of the faid Philip and Jacob Green, the minors, on three years credit,
firft giving fix weeks notice in the Maryland Gazette, the Maryland journal
and Baltimore Advertifer, and George-town paper, the purchafers giving bond
with good fecurity, to be approved by the orphans court of Prince-George's
county, for the benefit of the faid Philip and Jacob Green, the minors, and the
money arifing from the fame to be appropriated to the ufe and benefit of the faid
Philip and Jacob, the minors.