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Session Laws, 1792
Volume 644, Page 23   View pdf image
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THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.


counties, and for erecting a new one by the name of Caroline, paffed in the year
of feventeen hundred and feventy-three, as has relation to the divifional line of
faid counties hereby altered and eftablifhed as by this act is directed, fhall be and
is hereby repealed.



An ACT to direct the mode of profecution in certain cafes.

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the paffage of this act, all perfons offending againft any act or acts of the
affembly of this ftate, which acts direct the mode of profecution to be by
action of debt, bill, plaint or information, or by bill, plaint or information,
fhall and may be profecuted by bill of indidment, or adion of debt, and not by
bill, plaint or information, any thing in any of the faid acts to the contrary not-


Paffed De-
cember 22.

Perfons may
be profecuted,

An ACT fupplementary to an act, entitled, An act for the more
effectual paving the ftreets of Baltimore-town, in Baltimore
county, and for other purpofes.

Paffed De-
cember 22.

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That every tax now
laid, or that may hereafter be laid, for the paving, repair and improve-
ment, of the ftreets, lanes and alleys, of Baltimore-town, agreeably to,
and in conformity with, the powers vefted in the fpecial commiffioners, fhall and
may be recovered by diftrefs and fale of fo much of the property of the perfon or
perfons chargeable therewith, as fhall be fufficient to fatisfy and pay the fum or
fums with which they fhall be refpedively rated and charged; and the perfon
appointed to colled the faid taxes, and make diftreffes therefor, fhall obferve the
fame rules, in refped to the taking and felling the diftrefs, as are required by
law in refped of diftreffes for rent.

Taxes may be

II. And be it enacted, That in cafe any perfon or perfons fhall conceive them-
felves aggrieved by any diftrefs made in virtue of this act, it fhall and may be
lawful, and they are hereby empowered, to fue out of Baltimore county court a
writ of replevin, commanding the fheriff of Baltimore county to replevy and
deliver the property fo taken in diftrefs to the perfon or perfons fuing out fuch
replevin, and the parties fhall proceed to trial at the term to which the writ is
returnable; and if judgment fhall be given or obtained in favour of the faid com-
miffioners, and the plaintiff fhall make failure in payment of the fum for which
the diftrefs fhall have been taken and judgment obtained, within thirty days
after the rendition of fuch judgment, the chief juftice, or either of the affociate
juftices, of the court of Baltimore county, either in vacation or in term time,
fhall make an order for the payment thereof within twenty days thereafter, which
fhall bind as well the plaintiff as his fureties in the replevin bond, and upon ne-
gled or refufal to comply with fuch order, and affidavit thereof made, the clerk
of the county, at the requeft of the faid fpecial commiffioners, fhall forthwith
iffue execution, to enforce payment thereof againft the plaintiff and his fecurities;
in the fame manner as if judgments had been obtained agreeably to the regular
courfe of proceeding at common law.

Perfons ag-
grieved may
fue, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That the powers of the faid fpecial commiffioners, for
the purpofe of making fewers or proper conduits for carrying off the water, be
and is hereby extended to the precinds of Baltimore-town, and they are hereby
direded, enjoined and authorifed, to do all and every thing refpeding fewers in
the precinds, which they may do in the town.

Powers ex-
tended, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That all wells funk, and pumps ereded, in virtue of
the powers vefted in the faid fpecial commiffioners, fhall be kept in repair by the
faid commiffioners, and the expence thereof borne in the manner provided under
their faid powers for finking wells and ereding pumps.

Wells, &c. to
be kept in re-
pair, &c.

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Session Laws, 1792
Volume 644, Page 23   View pdf image
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