L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
divisional line between the faid counties croffes the North-Weft Fork branch of
Nanticoke river, where a bridge was formerly ereded, but that the faid bridge
has been lately deftroyed, and the land to which the faid bridge was joined is
now fo wafhed away fo that it would be inconvenient to fix another bridge in the
fame fpot, and that a bridge is now ereded at the expence of feveral individuals,
about nineteen and a half perches below the place where the old bridge ftood,
which new ereded bridge is in Dorchefter county; and it is the wifh of the in-
habitants of faid counties that the fame be received, and a road opened and made
good at the expence of Caroline county, leading acrofs the new bridge, and the
faid road, when opened, be received and taken as the divifional line between the
faid counties, and that the faid bridge be hereafter repaired and kept up at the
joint expence of the faid counties; therefore,
ers appointed,
II. Be it enafted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That John Smoot,
Ecclefton Brown, Thomas Nicols, of Dorchefter county, and James Summers
and Edward Wright, fenior, of Caroline county, be and they are hereby appoint-
ed commiffioners to open and lay out a road, leaving the old road leading from
Hunting creek church to the North-Weft Fork of Nanticoke river not more
than one hundred and fifty yards from the place where the old bridge formerly
ftood, the faid new road to run down the faid Fork as near the fame as the fitua-
tion of the place will admit of (in the difcretion of the commiffioners aforefaid)
until it interfeds the prefent road in the direction of the faid new bridge, then
acrofs the faid bridge in or near the fame direction until it interfeds the road lead-
ing from the place of the old bridge to Cannon's ferry on Nanticoke river.
Juftices to le-
vy money,
III. And be it enafted, That the juftices of the peace of Dorchefter and Ca-
roline counties, at their next refpedive levy courts of faid counties, and thereafter
annually, fhall levy equally on faid counties fuch fum or fums of money, toge-
ther with the fheriff's commiffion of fix per cent, for collecting the fame, on all
affeffable property in faid counties, as fhall be found fufficient to keep in good re-
pair and order the faid bridge, and road leading over the fame; which money, fo
levied, fhall be collected in the fame manner, at the fame times, and by the fame
perfons, as other county charges and taxes are collected, and fhall be paid into
the hands of the commiffioners aforefaid, or any of them, by the perfons fo col-
lecting the fame, and which money, when fo received by the commiffioners
aforefaid, fhall be applied in the manner as intended and directed by this act.
A road to be
laid out, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners aforefaid, or a majority of
them, fhall, within three months after the paffage of this act, open and lay out
the faid road, of reafonable width, which road, when opened and laid out as
aforefaid, fhall be thereafter deemed and taken to be the public road, and the di-
vifion of the counties aforefaid, and fhall be kept in repair as aforefaid.
How vacan-
cies are to be
V. And be it enacted, That in cafe of death, refignation, difqualification or
refufal to act, of any of the commiffioners aforefaid, when fuch vacancy fhall
happen the remaining commiffioners fhall have power, and they are hereby di-
rected, to fill up fuch vacancies, fo that, upon filling up the vacancy or vacan-
cies, there fhall be the aforefaid number of commiffioners from each county re-
fpedively as intended by this act; and fuch remaining commiffioners fhall meet at
the bridge aforefaid within fifteen days after fuch vacancy or vacancies fhall hap-
pen, and fill up faid vacancy or vacancies, and fuch re-appointment fhall and
may be as often as occafion may require, until the road fhall be open and laid
out, and made fully complete, as is hereby directed.
Inhabitants to
enjoy rights,
VI. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of that part of Dorchefter coun-
ty, which by this ad is taken away from faid county and added to Caroline
county fhall have, hold and enjoy, all fuch rights and privileges as are held and
enjoyed by the inhabitants of Caroline county aforefaid.
Part of an act
VII. And be it enacted, That from and after the paffage of this act, fo much
of the law, entitled, An act for the divifion of Dorchefter and Queen-Anne's
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