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Session Laws, 1792
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one thoufand bricks burnt by him in any other manner, or made by him of lefs
dimenfions, contrary to this ad.

Earth, when
to be dug up,

II. And be it enacted, That after the firft day of November next, all earth,
P' for making bricks for fale within the faid county, fhall be dug and turned up
between the firft day of October and the firft day of March, and no part of the
earth fo dug and turned up, fhall be made into bricks until after the firft day of
April, and no bricks fhall be made for fale within the faid county, but between
the firft day of April and the firft day of November; and if any perfon fhall
make any bricks for fale as aforefaid, but between the firft day of April and the
firft day of November, and if any perfon fhall make any bricks for fale as afore-
faid, of earth not dug and turned up between the days above limitted, or fhall
make any bricks for fale but between the days above expreffed, fuch perfon fhall
forfeit all bricks by him fo made, and alfo thirty fhillings current money for
every thoufand bricks by him made contrary this act.

Bricks may be
feized, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That it fhall be lawful for any perfon to feize, take
and carry away, all bricks made for fale contrary to, and forfeited by, this act,
and, if fued therefor, he may plead the general iffue, and give this act and the
fpecial matter in evidence.


Paffed De-
cember 22.


An ACT for the benefit of Jeffe Fookes, of Worcefter county.

WHEREAS it appears to this general affembly, that a certain Richard
Mills, of Worcefter county, heretofore purchafed of the commiffion-
ers of confifcated eftates a lot of land in Wiccomico manor, in faid
county, containing one hundred and twenty-one and a quarter acres, and that he
paid to the ftate of Maryland the whole of the purchafe money for the fame, and
obtained from one of the faid commiffioners a deed therefor, by the name of Indian
Lot, bearing date on the twenty-eighth day of April, one thoufand feven hun-
dred and eighty-five, which faid deed was duly acknowledged and recorded: And
whereas the faid Richard Mills hath fold the lot of land aforefaid to the aforefaid
Jefle Fookes, and conveyed the fame to him by deed of indenture, bearing date
the twenty-fifth day of May, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety, which faid
deed is alfo duly acknowledged and recorded: And whereas, in the faid deed firft
before recited there is an evident miftake in the expreffion of the diftance of the
third line, in defcribing the faid lot, which, by the original certificate thereof,
appears to be north eighty-two degrees thirty minutes weft, fix perches, and
which, in the faid firft recited deed, is expreffed to be north eighty-feven degrees
thirty minutes weft, fixty perches; and the faid lot of land, according to the
location as defcribed in the faid certificate, has been, ever fince the execution of
the faid firft recited deed, and long before, in the poffeffion of the aforefaid Ri-
chard Mills and Jeffe Fookes, refpectively, without claim or interruption of
any perfon; to rectify the faid miftake,

Original cer-
tificate to be
received, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the regifter of
the land-office of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and required,

at the inftance of the faid Jefle Fookes, and at his coft, to receive the faid origi-
nal certificate of furvey, heretofore made by Arnold Elzy, deputy furveyor of
Somerfet county, bearing date the fixteenth day of November, one thoufand fe-
ven hundred and feventy-one, and record the fame in his office, and iffue patent
thereon to the faid Jeffe Fookes, which patent fhall contain a recital of the facts
mentioned in the preamble to this bill.


Paffed De-
cember 22.

An ACT to lay out and open a road to and from the mill of
Benjamin Lawrence and Elias Dorfey, on the weftern fork of
Patapfco falls.


WHEREAS Benjamin Lawrence and Elias Dorfey, of Baltimore county,
by their petition to this general affembly, have fet forth, that they
are the owners and proprietors of valuable mills on the weftern fork
of Patapfco falls, and that the legiflature, at the laft feffion, paffed a law for laying

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Session Laws, 1792
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