THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
council fhall, and they are hereby required, to caufe the faid refpective acts to
be printed and published in the feveral news-papers within this ftate, for the
fpace of fix weeks, after the end of this feffion of affembly, in the Englifh,
French, and German languages, and fhall alfo caufe the faid original act to be
publifhed in like manner, for the fpace of three weeks, in the month of Auguft
in every year hereafter.
C H A P. XV.
C H A P.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to reftrain furveyors,
to regulate certain proceedings in the land-office, and to compel
the attendance of witneffes on furveys under the authority of
the chancery, general, and county courts.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
WHEREAS it is juft and reafonable that county furveyors, feized of
land at the time of their appointment, by purchafe or defcent, and
county furveyors who may become feized of land, by defcent or
devife, after their appointment to faid office, fhould have equal power with other
citizens to take out common and fpecial warrants, and warrants of refurvey, on
land whereof they are or fhall be fo feized as aforefaid, and to take up any
vacant land thereunto adjoining; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Ajjembly of Maryland, That any perfon
heretofore appointed, or who fhall hereafter be appointed, to the office of county
furveyor, or deputy-furveyor, who, at the time of his faid appointment, fhall be
feized of land, either by defcent or purchafe, be and he is hereby authorifed and
empowered to take out a common or fpecial warrant, or warrant or warrants of
refurvey, on the land whereof he was fo feized at the time of his appointment as
aforefaid, and, by virtue thereof, to take up any vacant land thereunto adjoining,
and to have a patent iffued for the fame in the uiual form.
feized of
III. And be it enacted, That any county furveyor, or deputy-furveyor, who
fhall become feized of land at any time fubfequent to his appointment to the faid
office, by defcent or devife, be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to take
out a warrant or warrants as aforefaid, on any land whereof he fhall fo become
feized by defcent or devife, and, by virtue thereof, to take up any vacant land
thereunto adjoining, and to have a patent iffued in ufual form, any thing in any
act or law to the contrary in anywife notwithstanding.
Or who fhall
become feized
of land, may
take out war-
rants, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That all warrants taken out in the cafes herein before
mentioned and provided for, fhall be directed to the county furveyor of any
county adjacent to that county in which the furveyor fo as aforefaid applying for
faid warrant or warrants fhall refide; provided always, that the furveyor, to
whom the faid warrant or warrants fhall be directed, fhall, before he executes
the fame, take the following oath, to be endorfed on faid warrant, to wit: "I,
"A. B. do folemnly promife and fwear, that I will well and truly execute this
"warrant, according to the beft of my fkill and judgment, without favour,
"affection or partiality. So help me God."
To whom
warrants fhall
be directed,
An ACT to prevent abufes in making of bricks, and to afcertain
the dimenfions thereof, in Kent county.
Be it enacted, by the General Ajjembly of Maryland, That after the paffing
this act, all bricks, made for fale in Kent county, fhall be burnt in kilns,
or in diftinct clamps, the place bricks by themfelves, and flock bricks
by themfelves; and the place bricks fhall be not lefs than nine inches long, and
two inches and an half thick, and four inches and a quarter wide; and flock
bricks fhall be of the fame dimenfions as to the length and breadth, and one
eighth of an inch thicker; and if any perfon fhall burn any bricks for fale as
aforefaid, in any other manner than before directed, or of lefs dimenfions than
before prefcribed, fuch perfon fhall forfeit all bricks by him burnt in any other
manner, or of lefs dimenfions, and alfo thirty fhillings current money for every
Paffed De-
cember 22.
Bricks to be
burnt in kilns,