THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
ftreet had been laid out of the width of eighteen feet by the commiffioners of
faid town, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
C H A P, VI.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to empower the juftices
of the peace of Charles county to affefs and levy a fum of mo-
ney on faid county to repair their court-houfe and build a re-
Paffed De-
cember 22.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the juftices of
Charles county court, that there is wanted the fum of fifty-eight
pounds current money to complete the object of the law to which
this is a fupplement.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may
be lawful for the juftices of the peace of Charles county for the time being, and
they are hereby authorifed, empowered and required, at their next levy-laying
court, to levy on the affeffable property in faid county the fum of fifty-eight
pounds current money, together with a commiffion of fix per centum for collec-
tion, which fum, fo affeffed, fhall be collected by the fheriff, or other perfon
appointed to collect the county levy in faid county, as other county levies are col-
lected; and the faid fheriff or collector, as the cafe may be, is hereby required
and directed to pay the fame to the juftices of Charles county court for the time
being, who are authorifed and required to apply the fame to the building and
completing a record-office in faid county.
Juftices to le-
vy money,
III. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the faid court for the time being,
are hereby authorifed and empowered, as foon as the faid office fhall be com-
pleted, to have all the records of the faid county, or any part thereof that they
may think proper, removed thereto, and depofited therein, for the prefervation of
the fame.
And remove
the records,
An ACT to enable the inhabitants of All-Faith parifh, in Saint-
Mary's county, to elect veftrymen and churchwardens for faid
parifh, and for other purpofes.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
WHEREAS the inhabitants of All-Faith parifh in Saint-Mary's coun-
ty, neglected to meet and choofe veftrymen and churchwardens for
the faid parifh, agreeably to the act for the eftablifhment of felect
veftries ;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the inhabitants
of faid parifh be and they are hereby empowered to meet at their parifh church
on Eafter Monday next, and there proceed to choofe veftrymen and church war-
dens, in as ample and full a manner as they would have done under the act afore-
faid; and the veftrymen and churchwardens, when fo chofen, fhall have, and are
hereby declared to be vefted with, all the power and authority of felect veftries
under and in virtue of the laws of this ftate, and fhall be fubject to the fame rc-
gulations and penalties.
Inhabitants to
meet, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the veftry and churchwardens elefted by the
inhabitants of the faid parim on Eafter Monday, in the year one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety-two, {hall have, and they are hereby declared to be
vefted with, all the power and authority of felect veftries under and in virtue of
the laws of this ftate, and fhall be fubject to the fame regulations and penalties
as if they had been elected agreeably to the act for the eftablifhment of felect
Veftry, &c.
vefted with
power, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid veftry for the time being fhall have full
power and authority to fell and convey, in fee-fimple, the glebe-lands belonging to
May fell the