having negleded to appear, fhall pay the cofts of the faid attachment, and all
other expences of fummoning fhall be paid by the party who fhall require the
faid fummons to iffue.
Sheriffs enti-
tled to fees,
III. And be it enafted, That all fheriffs ading under this act, fhall be entitled
to the fame fees for their fervice as in other cafes of the like nature; and all wit-
neffes fhall have the fame per diem allowance and itinerant charges as in cafes of
attendance at the general court.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the
council for the enfuing year.
Salary afcer-
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That each member
of the council fhall be entitled to receive, for the enfuing year, the fum
of one hundred and fifty pounds current money, for his falary,
Paffed De-
cember 22.
A Further fupplement to the ad for building a new church in the
city of Annapolis.
WHEREAS doubts are entertained refpeding the powers of the truftees
appointed by the further fupplementary act to the act, entitled, An
act for building a new church in the city of Annapolis,
Truftees to
give notice,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the truftees
therein named, be and they are hereby authorifed and directed to caufe not lefs
than eight days notice to be given in the Maryland Gazette, for the fubfcribers
to attend at the faid church for the purpofe of choofing their pews; and the faid
truftees are hereby required to give perfonal notice to all fubfcribers who do not
refide in the city of Annapolis; and that thereafter the faid truftees proceed in
the choice aforefaid agreeably to the directions of the act, entitled, An act for
building a new church in the city of Annapolis.
C H A P. V.
Paffed De-
cember 22.
An ACT concerning Foreft-ftreet in Baltimore-town, in Balti-
more county.
WHEREAS it has been reprefented to this general affembly, by the pe-
tition of the owners of lots, and inhabitants, of Foreft-ftreet, and
others, in Baltimore-town aforefaid, that by an ad of affembly, paffed
in the year feventeen hundred and fifty-three, for making an addition to Balti-
more-town aforefaid, that Foreft-ftreet was marked and located, on a plot of faid
addition, for the width of fixty-fix feet, and that previous to the laying out the
faid addition, the proprietors of the faid land did lay out the fame only of the
width of eighteen feet, and that the ftreet was built on and improved by the faid
owners of lots, of the width of eighteen feet, and that it never was extended or
opened of the width of fixty-fix feet agreeably to the plot thereof, and that it
would be ruinous to many, and extremely injurious to all, the faid owners of
faid lots, if the faid ftreet fhould be extended to fixty-fix feet as laid out, without
benefiting individuals or the town at large; and the prayer of the faid petitioners
appearing reafbnable,
Width of Fo-
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Foreft-ftreet
aforefaid fhall be taken and deemed of the width of eighteen feet, beginning at
Baltimore-ftreet, and running from thence northerly to the end of laid ftreet,
as it was originally laid out by the proprietors aforefaid, previous to the addition
of faid town, in the year feventeen hundred and fifty-three.
To be forever
deemed 18
feet wide.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid ftreet fhall be for ever hereafter deemed
and taken only of the width of eighteen feet, and that the owners and proprietors
of lots of ground fhall have the fame right and benefit in the fame as if the faid