786 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 585
mutual consent of the institution
and the State Department Health....3,810,062
General Fund Appropriation to Special
Hospitals providing funds for long
term illness for disbursement by the
Treasury Department to the seven
(7) institutions listed in the pro-
gram and performance statement
on transmittal from the State De-
partment of Health. Eligibility for
State-aid for hospital in-patient care
of individuals in the named institu-
tions shall be determined by the local
Department of Public Welfare under
policies established jointly by the
State Department of Public Welfare
and the State Department of Health.
Payments to Special Hospitals shall
be at the lesser of (a) $5.50 per
patient day, or (b) approved cost
per patient day; except that in the
case of Eudowood, a tuberculosis
hospital, they shall be paid the les-
ser of (a) the average cost in State-
owned tuberculosis hospitals, or (b)
80% of the approved cost per patient
day. In the event that the Federal
Government makes funds available
to the State for hospitalization of
the indigent, any part of this appro-
priation may be used for matching
purposes by mutual consent of the
institutions and the State Depart-
ment of Health..................................... 347,480 4,157,542
All or part of these appropriations
may be transferred to the State De-
partment of Public Welfare by ap-
proved budget amendment in or-
der for the State to be eligible to
receive Federal matching funds for
medical care in the event that the
Board of Public Works deems such
action to be desirable; further all
or any portion of these appropria-
tions may be used for such match-
ing purposes; and in the event such
transfer of these appropriations
from the State Department of Health
to the State Department of Public
Welfare is made, the Board of Pub-
lic Works shall approve a plan for
continuing the programs of medical
care under the provisions of Article