43, Sections 42 and 43 of the An-
notated Code of Maryland, 1957
Edition. Hospital Out-Patient Program
For payments to Baltimore City and County Hos-
pitals for out-patient department services to
indigent and medically indigent persons for
the period of July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960.
General Fund Appropriation........................ 245,082
The amount hereby appropriated is to be made
available for payment to hospitals for ser-
vices to residents of Baltimore City and the
Counties contingent upon the amount made
available by Baltimore City and the counties
for the same purpose and period on an equal
matching basis.
All or part of this appropriation may be trans-
ferred to the State Department of Public
Welfare by approved budget amendment in
order for the State to be eligible to receive
Federal matching funds for medical care in
the event that the Board of Public Works
deems such action to be desirable; further,
all or any portion of this appropriation may
be used for such matching purposes; and in
the event such a transfer of this appropri-
ation from the State Department of Health
to the State Department of Public Welfare
is made, the Board of Public Works shall
approve a plan for continuing the programs
of medical care under the provisions of
Article 43, Sections 42 and 43 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition. Special Types of Care
General Fund Appropriation................ 580,841
Federal Fund Appropriation, provided
that grants in excess of this esti-
mate may be made available by ap-
proved budget amendment................ 102,400 683,241
Total General Fund Appropriation...................... 7,416,092
Total Federal Fund Appropriation........................ 102,400
Total Appropriation............................................ 7,518,492