further, all or any portion of this appro-
priation may be used for such matching pur-
poses; and in the event such a transfer of
this appropriation from the State Depart-
ment of Health to the State Department of
Public Welfare is made, the Board of Public
Works shall approve a plan for continuing
the programs of Medical Care under the
provisions of Article 43, Sections 42 and 43
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957
Edition. Of the total General Fund appro-
priations for this program, $1,159,664 is
for payment for services for residents of
Baltimore City and $1,164,242 is for pay-
ment for services for residents of the coun-
ties. This distribution of funds between
the program for Baltimore City and the
program for counties may be adjusted upon
recommendation of the Board of Health and
the approval of the Governor. Hospital In-Patient Program
General Fund Appropriation to Gen-
eral Hospitals providing funds for
disbursement by the Treasury De-
partment to the thirty-five (35) in-
stitutions listed in the program and
performance statement on trans-
mittal from the State Department of
Health. Eligibility for State-aid for
hospital in-patient care of individ-
uals in the named institutions shall
be determined by the local Depart-
ment of Public Welfare under poli-
cies established jointly by the State
Department of Public Welfare and
the State Department of Health.
General Hospitals shall be reim-
bursed at the lesser of billings to
other patients for like services or a
rate determined as follows: 80% of
per diem cost not to exceed 60% of
the State-wide weighted average
cost; except that hospitals having
a per diem cost above $13.00, of
which 80% would be less than
$13.00 shall be reimbursed at
$13.00, and hospitals having a
per diem cost of less than $13.00
shall be reimbursed at cost. In the
event that the Federal Government
makes funds available to the State
for hospitalization of the indigent,
any part of this appropriation may
be used for matching purposes by