528 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 404
that no one person shall hold the position of chairman for more than
three consecutive terms. Upon the death, disability, resignation, or
removal of any member of the Commission, the County Commis-
sioners shall appoint a person representing the same categoric in-
terest to serve for the unexpired term. The State Senator for Wash-
ington County and the President of the Board of County Commis-
sioners shall serve as ex-officio members of the Economic Develop-
ment Commission without the power to vote. The Commission has
the power to establish and appoint advisory groups and committees
to assist in its program of activity of which membership is not re-
stricted solely to members of the Commission.
The Commission shall meet monthly and shall hold special meet-
ings at the call of the chairman or of any three members of the Com-
mission. The Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as
it may deem necessary to govern its procedure and business. Seven
members A SIMPLE MAJORITY shall constitute a quorum. The
Commission shall submit to the Board of County Commissioners of
Washington County an annual operating budget for the fiscal year
for the approval of the County Commissioners, and the County Com-
missioners shall provide the funds approved by them. The Commis-
sion is empowered to employ such employees as its business may
require within the limits of its appropriation provided that any
newly created position or positions and salary pertinent thereto
receive the approval of the County Commissioners. This applies to
the title of the position or positions to be created subject to the
County Commissioners' approval and the actual appointment of a
person or persons is within the powers of the Economic Develop-
ment Commission.
Annual reports shall be made and filed with the Board of County
Commissioners of Washington County and made available to the
public. The annual report shall include subjects and recommenda-
tions for the improvement and advancement of the economic wel-
fare of the people of Washington County.
The Commission shall have the power to:
(1) Investigate and assemble information pertinent to the eco-
nomic resources and industrial opportunities of the county.
(2) Encourage location of new industrial enterprises in the coun-
ty and the expansion of present enterprises.
(3) Encourage development of recreational areas and encourage
tourist business in the county, making the public aware of the
county's historical background and progress.
(4) Disseminate information in the interest of industrial develop-
ment by publication, advertising and other means.
(5) Cooperate with any federal, state, local agency, board or com-
mission including the Economic Development Commission of Mary-
land, in the furtherance of its purposes.