372 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 282
to the order of the Commission to be used by said Commission to pay
the expenses of operation and maintenance of said Commission. All
checks issued on the latter account by said County Treasurer shall
be upon voucher, duly certified by the Chairman and two (2) mem-
bers thereof. All monies deposited shall be protected by a depository
bond and said County Treasurer shall give bond to the State of Mary-
land in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) with a
good and sufficient surety to be approved by the said County Com-
missioners and said Commission, with the condition "that if the
above bounden shall well and faithfully execute his office and shall
account to said Commission or be answerable for by law, then the
said obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force
and effect". The said bond, when approved, shall be recorded in the
Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Wicomico County. The
Commission is hereby empowered to pay the premiums on all bonds.
The said Treasurer shall annually provide said Commission at said
Commission's expense, an audit of the aforesaid accounts prepared by
a certified public accountant to be selected by said Commission.
422. The members of said Commission shall be a body corporate,
by the name of the "Wicomico County [Sewer and Water] Urban
Services Commission" (referred to elsewhere in this Act as "the Com-
mission"), with the right to use a common seal, to sue and be sued,
and to do any and all other corporate acts for the purpose of carrying
out the provisions of this sub-title. Whenever it shall be deemed
necessary by said Commission to take or acquire any land, structure
or buildings, or any stream bed, waterway, water rights, or water-
shed, either in fee or as an easement, within or outside of Wicomico
County, [for the construction, extension or maintenance of any
water main, sewer or appurtenance thereof, or any sewage treatment
plant, reservoir, water treatment plant, storage tank or pumping
station or] for the execution by the Commission of any [other]
power or function vested in it by this Act, said Commission may
purchase the same from the owners, or failing to agree with the
owner or owners thereof, may condemn the same by proceedings in
the Circuit Court for the county in which said land, structures or
buildings, stream bed, waterway, water rights or watershed is lo-
cated, as are provided for condemnation of land by public service
corporations in the Public General Laws of Maryland, now or here-
after in effect, and said Commission may likewise condemn the in-
terest of any tenant, lessee or other person having any right or
interest in said land, structures or buildings, stream bed, waterway,
water rights or watershed. At any time after ten days after the
return and recordation of the verdict or award in said proceedings,
the 'Commission may enter and take possession of the property so
condemned, upon first paying to the Clerk of the Court the amount
of said award and all costs taxed to that date, notwithstanding any
appeal or further proceedings upon the part of the defendant. At
the time of said payment, however, the Commission shall give its
corporate undertaking to abide by and fulfill any judgment in such
appeal or further proceedings.
423. (a) The Commission may establish [a sanitary] an urban
service district or districts in Wicomico County for the purpose of
providing [a water and/or sewerage system] any one or more of the
following services, which are hereby defined as and sometimes herein-
after referred to as "urban services", to wit: water supply, sewage