Services, and to provide penalties for certain offenses, defined
herein, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 421 to 449, inclusive, of Article 23 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Wicomico County",
sub-title "Sanitary Districts", said sections having been enacted by
Chapter 243 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1955, be and
they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; that
said sub-title be and is hereby changed to "Urban Service Districts";
and that a new Section 449A be and is hereby added to said Article
and new sub-title, to follow immediately after Section 449 thereof,
and all to read as follows:
421. (a) For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this
sub-title, the [sanitary] urban service districts created under the
authority of this sub-title shall be under the jurisdiction of [a com-
mission of five (5) persons, all of whom shall be appointed by] the
County Commissioners of Wicomico County, [and all of whom shall
reside in Wicomico County, be resident taxpayers of said County
and qualified voters thereof] or said County Commissioners, in their
discretion, may by resolution appoint a commission of five (5) per-
sons, two of whom shall be County Commissioners, and the remain-
ing three shall reside in Wicomico County, be resident taxpayers of
said county and qualified voters thereof. The members of the Com-
mission shall serve without salary, but upon voucher properly certi-
fied to, shall be reimbursed by said Commission for any expenses
incurred in the performance of their duties as such. The term of each
of the [five (5) members] County Commissioner members shall be
for two (2) years, and the remaining three (3) members shall be
[five (5) years] three (8) years or until their successors are ap-
pointed and have qualified, except that the first commissioner named
by said County Commissioners shall serve for one (1) year, the
second for two (2) years, and the third for three (3) years, [the
fourth for four (4) years, and the fifth for five (5) years] from the
date of their appointments, and as the term of each commissioner
expires, his successor shall be appointed by said County Commis-
sioners. Any vacancies, however created, in the personnel of the
Commission shall be filled by appointment by said County Commis-
sioners for the unexpired term. The Commission shall elect one of
its members as Chairman and shall appoint, discharge at pleasure,
and, subject to the approval of said County Commissioners, shall fix
the compensation of a secretary and/or chief engineer and such engi-
neering, legal, clerical, and other personnel and help as from time to
time the Commission may deem necessary to carry out the provisions
of this sub-title.
(b) All monies due and payable to the Commission from all sources
whatsoever provided in this sub-title shall be collected by the Treas-
urer of Wicomico County, Maryland, and said Treasurer shall deposit
all monies received in payment of ad valorem taxes and benefit assess-
ments in a joint Sinking Fund to the credit of the County Commis-
sioners of Wicomico County and the Wicomico County [Sewer and
Water] Urban Services Commission, to be used solely for the pur-
pose hereinafter provided in this sub-title, and all other money col-
lected under this sub-title shall be placed in a separate account,
known as the [Sanitary] "Urban Services District Account", subject