370 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 282
operation. [Whenever, and as, such plans are completed,] As such
plans are completed, if in the opinion of the Commission construc-
tion costs make them feasible so that the facilities will be self-liqui-
dating without support from general tax funds of the County, the
Commission shall give notice by publication in one newspaper pub-
lished within the county, for three weeks, and by handbills posted and
circulated in the localities where said improvements are contem-
plated, and shall state in said notice the probable cost of the contem-
plated improvements, and shall further state therein that plans of
the improvements may be inspected at the Commission's office and
that any person interested in said improvements will be heard by
the Commission at a time to be specified in the notice, but not less
than ten days after first publication thereof.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1959.
Approved April 3, 1959.
(Senate Bill 288)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 421 to
449, inclusive, of Article 23 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Wicomico County", sub-title
"Sanitary Districts", said sections having been enacted by Chapter
243 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1955; to change the
said sub-title to be "Urban Service Districts"; and to add a new
Section 449A to said Article and new sub-title, to follow imme-
diately after Section 449 thereof, to provide for the creation of
"The Wicomico Urban Services Commission", to provide methods
for the establishment of certain Urban Districts within Wicomico
County, to provide for the government thereof, to provide for the
construction, maintenance, operation, purchase, condemnation or
acquisition by gift of water supply, sewerage system, storm drain-
age systems and surface water drainage systems and the purchase
or condemnation of any land, structures or buildings or any stream
bed, water way, water rights or water shed or any rights therein
required for use in the construction, maintenance or operation of
water supply, sewerage, storm drainage and surface water drain-
age systems, and to provide curbing and guttering, street light-
ing, police protection, fire protection and garbage and trash col-
lection disposals in such Urban Service Districts and to provide
for the issuance of bonds for the purpose of such construction and
the levying of taxes, assessments and benefits, water charges and
rates for the payment of said bonds in each district and for the
Urban Services provided herein and to provide for the operation,
maintenance, regulation and control of said systems or Urban
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.