Whereas, The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is now engaged
on a survey review report for the Potomac River and its tributaries,
as directed by resolution of the United States Senate Committee
on Public Works, adopted on January 26, 1956, to determine whether
modifications of the recommendations contained in House Document
622 of the 79th Congress are advisable; and
Whereas, It is the intent of Congress that the survey report con-
templates preparation of a comprehensive plan for control of floods
and the development and conservation of water and related re-
sources of the Potomac Basin with major emphasis on present and
future water supply and pollution abatement, and that a plan and
a limited number of alternative plans be presented for the develop-
ment of the water resources of the basin for all beneficial uses,
present and future, and that it will present in detail, as far as
possible, all structural and non-structural measures recommended
to implement the plan, whether by Federal, state or local agencies;
Whereas, The survey report is to be coordinated with the Inter-
state Commission on the Potomac River Basin, the National Capital
Regional Planning Council and other State and Federal agencies
concerned to assure full consideration of all views and requirements;
Whereas, The Corps of Engineers has reported that, based on
the assumption that adequate funds are made available for efficient
prosecution of the survey report, it can be completed in June of 1961,
with an estimated cost in the general magnitude of $1,650,000 for
the work of the coordinating agencies only; and
Whereas, The Potomac River Committee of the Maryland Legis-
lative Council has stressed the urgency of early completion of the
survey by the Corps of Engineers, and has pointed to the unfortunate
consequences that could result from unseemly delay of the survey,
as evidenced by Joint Resolution 7 of the 1958 General Assembly;
Whereas, We are informed that $140,000 was appropriated for
the survey work by Congress for fiscal 1958 and $200,000 of a re-
quested $500,000 for fiscal 1959, and that the sum of $500,000 has
been requested for fiscal 1960; and
Whereas, We are informed that the appropriation for fiscal 1959
was restricted in its use to that part of the Potomac above Harper's
Ferry, which imposes a crippling limitation on the survey work,
which is intended by Congress to be a comprehensive survey of the
entire River, and we earnestly hope that no such limitation of use
will be attached to the fiscal 1960 appropriation; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That we urge that
the survey review report now in preparation by the U. S. Army Corps
of Engineers be completed expeditiously, and to effect this purpose
we strongly urge Congress to appropriate the funds necessary to
complete the report without crippling limitations; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislative Council is requested to reappoint
the special committee on the Potomac River; and be it further