1274 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 780
person as building inspector, who shall hold office at the pleasure
of the Board and shall be paid an annual salary to be fixed by the
County Commissioners. He shall be appointed for that portion of
the Regional District within Prince George's County.
(b) Schedule of fees and charges.—The County Commissioners
is authorized, empowered, and directed to fix a schedule of fees or
charges for the issuance of permits for the construction, repair,
erection, or remodeling of houses or buildings in that portion of the
Regional District within Prince George's County. It is further
authorized and empowered to fix a schedule of fees or charges for
inspections and all other services performed by the building inspec-
tor pursuant to the authority of this sub-title.
(c) Duties.—The building inspector has the supervision of the
construction of all buildings erected in that portion of the Regional
District within Prince George's County and shall see that the rules
and regulations of the County Commissioners relating to the con-
struction of said buildings are complied with. He shall perform
such other duties as may be prescribed by the County Commission-
ers not inconsistent with the provisions of this sub-title.
(d) Penalties.—Any person or persons violating any rules and
regulations promulgated by the County Commissioners under this
sub-title shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction there-
of in the Circuit Court or before a Trial Magistrate of Prince George's
County shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(e) Assistants. — The County Commissioners is authorized and
empowered to appoint and employ necessary assistants to the builds-
ing inspector, one of whom shall possess a comprehensive knowledge
of electrical installation and repairs. The assistants shall hold of-
fice at the pleasure of the County Commissioners and shall each be
paid as compensation for his services an annual salary to be fixed
by the County Commissioners. The assistants shall be under the
direction of the building inspector and shall perform such duties as
may be required to enforce the Building Code. The County Commis-
sioners is authorized and empowered to appoint, employ, and fix
the compensation of necessary clerks under the direction of the build-
ing inspector, who shall perform such duties as the building inspec-
tor may direct. The building inspector and his assistants and clerks
shall give their full time to the performance of their duties as such
public officers.
(f) Expenses of building inspector.—All expenses for the per-
formance by the building inspector, his assistants, and clerks, of
the duties herein imposed upon them shall be payable primarily
from the fees and other charges fixed and collected by the County
Commissioners for the services of the building inspector and for
permits issued by the County Commissioners. To the extent that
the gross fees and charges collected by the County Commissioners
in any fiscal year shall prove inadequate or insufficient to pay the
expenses in that fiscal year of the building inspector, and of his
assistants and clerks, the deficit so incurred shall be paid by the
County Commissioners. The County Commissioners, in its next tax
levy thereafter, shall include in the tax levied within that portion
of the Regional District within Prince George's County an amount
sufficient to provide funds to meet said deficit.