1272 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 780
structures, or superstructures in the Regional District in Prince
George's County that are or may become dangerous, or to require
owners to move them or to put them in a safe and sound condition
at their own expense; (5) to regulate the building and maintenance
of party walls, partitions, fences, parapet and fire walls, smoke flues,
fire places, hot-air flues, boilers, kettles, smoke stacks, and stove
pipes in that portion of the Regional District, and the storage of
gasoline and other combustibles or explosives therein; (6) to pro-
vide for and regulate the safe construction, inspection, and repair
of all private and public buildings within that portion of the Re-
gional District; (7) to regulate, restrain, or prohibit the erection of
wooden or frame buildings within the present limits of that portion
of the Regional District or any thickly populated portion of the Re-
gional District and to remove the same at the owner's expense,
when erected or suffered to remain contrary to law or such regula-
tions as it may adopt; (8) to regulate the height, construction, and
inspection of all new buildings hereafter erected in that portion of
the Regional District; (9) to regulate the limits within which it
shall be lawful to erect steps, porticoes, bay windows, or other
structural ornaments to houses fronting on any of the highways,
streets, avenues, lanes, or alleys of that portion of the Regional Dis-
trict; (10) to regulate the materials used and the manner of in-
stalling any and all systems of electric wiring, piping, conduit lay-
ing in any building, and to regulate the location, manner of instal-
lation, size, and area per lot of all advertising structures and to re-
strict the projection of the same over public property; and (11)
generally to adopt and enforce, for the whole of that portion of the
Regional District or for thickly populated portions thereof, all neces-
sary regulations or rules for the foregoing purposes; and (12) to
prescribe fines and penalties for violations thereof.
(b) Manner of adoption.—No such rules and regulations so adopt-
ed by the County Commissioners of Prince Georges County shall
be deemed valid or effective until they have been formally adopted
by the County Commissioners at a regular meeting and recorded
in a book kept at its office for that purpose. Prior to the adoption
of any such rules and regulations, the Board shall cause to be pub-
lished in one or more newspapers of general circulation in that por-
tion of the Regional District to be affected by any such rules and
regulations, notice of the date, place, and time of the meeting of the
Board at which any such rules and regulations shall be presented
for adoption, said notice stating that at such meeting a hearing
will be held on the proposed rules and regulations, at which hearing
an opportunity will be given to all persons having an interest there-
in to express their views with respect thereto. The notice shall in-
dicate briefly the nature of the rules or regulations to be adopted,
amended, or repealed; or if a complete and comprehensive Build-
ing Code is to be considered for adoption, a statement to that effect
shall be sufficient. The notice shall be published at least once in
each of two consecutive weeks next preceding the date of the meet-
ing, but the Board may, in its discretion, provide for more extensive
(c) Notice and distribution of regulations.—Following the adop-
tion of any such rules or regulations, it is the duty of the County
Commissioners of Prince George's County to cause the rules and